As was noted in an earlier post, "some people have way too much time on their hands" and that statement appears to be true. Meanwhile, the others are diligently searching for historical facts to help Durant owners correctly identify cars and parts. It's important to search out and document the correct facts and it does take a great deal of time to search out the details, verify and record them.
One example of the need to have accurate documents such as vin and serial number data in place is to help prevent potential vintage car buyers from getting duped into buying or over paying for a Durant car that was cobbled together or embellished as a "one and only factory original". Often when the accurate facts are known, documented and published, these over the top claims can be discredited quickly and seen as sales fluff. Dedicated marque owners cringe when they learn of someone that got duped buying a fluffed up car at an unrealistic and inflated price.
Thanks goes out to people like Norm Toone, Steve Large and others that work voluntarily and tirelessly at their own expense to gather and document the history and the true facts before it all vanishes for good. Updates such as corrected serial number ranges appear on the DMAC website for all to benefit from.
Whoa..... best keep it civil. This forum is a medium to share useful information and details to assist other Durant product owners and interested parties to collect or restore items with ease and accuracy. There is a huge amount of inaccurate details out there and the internet can be both a friend and foe with such information. Some dedicated individuals do put a great deal of effort into documenting the facts for all to benefit from. Norm Toone and Steve Large along with a number of others have spent a great deal of personal time searching for accurate details for everyone to benefit from. Ongoing updates to the DMAC website come from these dedicated volunteers.
Best take a moment and get to know some of the people that contribute to the forum and the DMAC. Better yet, walk a mile in their shoes next time before commenting.
Finally, there's no need to build a northern Trump wall at the southen edge of Canada. We sent you packing in humiliation in the war of 1812 and Canada hasn't needed the wall to keep you out since that time.
Thank you Don, but this requires no reply to Tom from "none of your business" in New Jersey son of Art Lloyd III. Just consider the source. He was singing another tune to finding a "U2 Carb" last year in forum.
We (DMAC members) will continue to research / help owners of Billy's cars and offshoots 1921 - 1934 with info and or part sources if we can. That's part of DMAC family.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
and i thought this was a friendly forum,everyone ha s an opinion because you dont agree live and let live personally i can learn something from everone,happy trails to the haters dave
I just looked at the Arthur III Durant 614 that is posted on eBay again as "1930 Other Makes 614 5 Window Coach eBay #2384637746. This car was for sale by Eileen Gillis Berken in the Spring of 2014. In the picture of this "only one in existance", it doesn't have any sidemounts and it shows wood spoke wheels. Looks like someone tinkered with the "one and only" if the factory original didn't have sidemounts or wire wheels to begin with. If the car is in fact a 1930, curious the rad badge is a 1929. How's that saying go, a picture is worth a thousand words? Wait a minute, I see corn cobs stuck in the wooden spokes. This Wisconsin car must have been in Iowa looking for corn, not Canada.