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Preserve the automobiles manufactured by the Durant Motor Company, provide enjoyment for each member with meets, tours & technical assistance.
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eBay 371875441532
What a load of bilge water in this write up. What defunct Durant when Lansing still making cars and trucks to Aug 1931 and Leaside well into 1932 ? 22A became the 32A for 1932. Hardly 32A was only used in Leaside on 685 Frontenac, 633 Durant and last of the 618 Durant's. Only one engine 40A used 1931 with Hall name. 1932 same engine and 1931 casting date with Hall name ground off the block. 1933 Ace same block with 40A casting and 1931 dates but called a 41A on engine plate. As to Count Snicklefritz
Although DeVaux advertisements stated that deSakhnoffsky had designed the cars coachwork, in reality the bodies he originally designed for the new car weren’t actually used. Instead, leftover Hayes-built Durant bodies were supplied to DeVaux with deSakhnoffsky-designed fenders, hood and grill to update them. By the time the DeVaux appeared, deSakhnoffsky had been hired away by Packard’s Edward Macauley, and was in no position to complain.
The DeVaux was built in a leased portion of Hayes huge Grand Rapids plant, and its bodies transported across a second floor bridge that ran over the street that separated the two buildings. DeVaux’s successor, Continental, continued to utilize various leftover Hayes-built bodies into late 1932.
Wish those not in the know would not adlib facts they know nothing about.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Having problems even believing the story, Durant bodies were used in the De Vaux. Can't see any Durant model 28 - 32 with that 675 body and moulding design.
1930 - 32 Durant and 31 / 32 E Frontenac bodies used all steel Budd doors and steel posts. Front doors are two hinge and front window goes up. Side rear windows are narrower than De Vaux. De Vaux is wood posts and tin wrapped wood framed doors. Front doors are three hinge and front window swings out. The fenders on the 675 look the same as the 30 - 32 Durant. Hood seems the same as the 31 / 32 Durant with the chromed hood hinge strip. (B42 Mack truck 40/ 50's have similar hood strip, but stainless steel, and end fastenings are identical to the 31 / 32 Durant / Frontenac. Hood strip is to long so just cut)
I've asked Hollander Interchange eBay sellers if the De Vaux is mentioned and all have said no, so don't know if fenders are same. Would be nice to have some interchange book so we know what interchanges between our vehicles, De Vaux / Durant / Frontenac. (or other makes as a secondary idea)
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
hello everyone
ive studied the bodies on 31 and 32 devaux,the frontenac body i believe is the same as 31 devaux in coupe except the frontenac has and all steel roof while the devaux has fabric,the 32 body i believe was used on other cars of its time,hayes bodies on the framklin and the reo low priced models looked almost the same while fenders grille etc was changed,during the depression i believe everyone was stretching there dollars
Where Are You From? so calif
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1931 devaux
Not even close. The 1931 E 618 and 1932 E 670 Frontenac have same body as the 1930 - 1932 610 - 619 Durant's. Had the 621 / 622 Durant been made it was also use the 22A engine and square body. All have canvas tops. As I mentioned there is nothing on the 675 De Vaux body same as those cars. Think someone made up that fable about using defunct 1930 Durant body. Not the first time we have debunked fables or mis info on our cars.
Think you are talking about the next series the 1932 680 De Vaux, 685 Frontenac and 633 Durant. Those all used same body and fenders. The 680 used the 40A engine but ours used the 32A engine. The 633 used the 670 Fronty rad and the 32 618 rad shell. Plus it has doors in hood instead of louvers. Dash / instruments is same on all three. Reo / Franklin have similar body's but look closely and the body mounding's are not quite the same and windshields are sure different shaped. We also have been studying if there is some connection body wise. Ours ( 32 De Vaux, Fronty, Durant ) have Hayes plates with body numbers but Reo / Franklin don't have the plates in engine compartment front of driver.
Having said that, its odd the Continental 1933 Beacon (ours the C400 Fronty) and Flyer ( C600 Fronty) also have same Hayes body number plates. But our C400 / C600 do not the plates, yet they are same bodies. More oddity the Conny Ace and the Frontenac Ace both have Hayes body plates. Conny 181 and car number, Fronty 191 and car number. That's how I was able to tell the rusty Ace in US on eBay was a Fronty Ace with the 191 and number.
Just checked my pic's to be sure but all bodies 1930 - 1934 closed cars De Vaux, Durant, Conny, Frontenac all had canvas tops. No Frontenac had an all metal top. Reo and Franklin also canvas tops.
When the first 633 Durant was found in the 90's it was assumed at the time, to be a cannibalized (nicer word) Reo by Dominion. Dominion also made Reo's 1932 and on. It also had the same Motor Wheel Co wood spoke wheels as the Reo. Plus of course the doors in hood like the Reo. Now with the 2nd 633 it has nothing to do with Reo. Never did hear more about the four pictures shown in California of square bodied Durant's which appear to be next step up from the 619 except with doors in hoods. Odus 1931 Durant also has the Motor Wheel Co wood spoke wheels as does one of Daryl's 1933 Aces.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
if youll look at the top of the page the red frontenac coupe body from cowl back is very similiar to the 31 devaux 675,id be willing to bet the qtr panels could be adapted to the devaux without alot of differences,i think what throws it off is the all steel roof on the frontenac versus the devauxs cloth roof,the 32 devaux 680 was completely different with a steel turret type roof slanted posts no outside sunvisor etc,if you will look at period photos of cars of the same time with hayes bodies youll see alot of similarity, the franklin and reo come to mind maybe more dave
Where Are You From? so calif
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1931 devaux
Lot of coupes 1931 look similar. Just put 1931 coupe in Google search. The 1931 Willys 6 with laundau arms looks like the custom 675 De Vaux, with its cloth top half.
Same thing applies Durant / Frontenac steel posts and doors and De Vaux wood. Fronty / Durant mouldings on doors are a curve the handle goes on top of. As you can see in Photos DMAC for the Frontys for the red coupe. De Vaux has a moulding on top of another moulding and handle goes on the flat of the door. That you can see clearly on Dennis Murphy's sedan.
What you need is a Durant coupe / roadster or 32 Fronty coupe (since same body) plus a 675 De Vaux coupe and compare the rear panels from door back to see if any similarity and size. There are at least 12 De Vaux coupes in the Registry, one Fronty coupe, and over 25 Durant's.
That's like I said the fenders look the same Durant and De Vaux. I know the Fronty E 618 / E 670 and 619 Durant are slightly different with the dropped frames. Seems the cyl head 22A and 40A interchange as that was mentioned on Forum months back when someone was looking for a head. There are other parts. Durant Motors, De Vaux Motors, Continental Motors, Dominion Motors were very much welded to one another.
Wonder what they chopped up to make this pretend speedster. De Vaux only came coupe or sedan and no cowl lights. Be interesting to see what reserve asking price is. Someone has a bid on it. Hope the buyer knows its a never was car.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
hello norm i believe it started life as a coupe,i was told by someone at the time probably 7 or 8 years ago the car came from either northern calif or oregon,supposidly was started in the 50s and never finished,the guy down by san diego that owned i believe took it in on trade from a sale of another car, i remember a magazine i think maybe popular mechanics in the early 50s that had an article on building a boattail,i would like to find out what happened to the original motor bot that i ned it but devaux extra parts are fiew and far between,i have and extra 32 motor i bought from a guy in pennsylania many years back he was building a street rod and sold me the motor and trans just to get it out of his garage,just try and save the parts when i can dave
Where Are You From? so calif
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1931 devaux
Yes parts are few I imagine for both De Vaux's 675 / 680 ... but seem lots of 675 De Vaux's exist. 86 675's in the Registry. Now the short lived 619 Durant 20 exist so even worse. (I think my exterior door handles are 619 on the 32's but without having one to compare ?? Sure look like Wayne's when pic blown up of his 619.)
Heck there are more De Vaux's then total Dominion cars 1931 - 1933. Lets see Durant's. 1931 407 none / 1932 one. 1931 611 if ever built none. I don't have the figures on the 1931 614 but few. Jack's 32 614 coupe and my 32 sedan. 1931 618 three / 1932 four. 1932 633 coupe and sedan. Now flip to Frontenac. 1932 E 618 none and consensus not produced or limited show cars. E 670 thirteen, 1932 685 coupe and sedan. 1933 C-400 four, C-600 three. 1933 Frontenac Ace one in Wash state and one was on eBay last year very rusty if even salvageable, with oil pan rusted off of it. So us finding parts for our cars is next to nil. And no, 32 Durant / E Fronty parts not the same bumpers, handles, rad, rad shell, frames. Durant 19 inch wheel and Frontenac 18. 22A engine the same on both as are dash instruments. Then add only 32 Durant used 1930 Essex inside handles. 1930 / 31 used the spear type. 1930 / 31 D used the 4.75 / 5.00 x 19 tires and 32 used 5.25 / 5.50 x 19. 32 E Fronty same but 18's.
No one got the adhoc racer so we won't know the reserve price.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
As my mother worked for Durant back in the 1920's in the Elizabeth, New Jersey plant I'll ask her for a definitive answer and get right back to you...
Where Are You From? Union,NJ
Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes
On what .. each plant did its own thing and we sure did up here. Eliz was gone April 1929. Oakland gone Dec 17 1930. Lansing gone Aug 1931. Leaside totally Canadian owned and operated Jan 14 1931 to build anything it wanted to. Kirby decided to continue the Durant into 1932 when he pulled the plug, saying it was a long dead co months before. He continued the Canadian Fronty to Dec 1933. Reo built there 1932 and to end of Reo cars mid 30's and trucks only after.
Durant Motors 1930 US / Can and 1931 Lansing used Glolite lights / lenses. Dominion Motors 1931 to 1933 used Depress Beam lights / lenses. 1931 619 single bar bumpers and medallions not same as Canadian 1932 single bar bumpers and medallions. (Something else I need is left rear bumper bar and both diamond shaped medallions) De Vaux / Conny's used Stabilite lights lenses and ours Depress Beam. Beacon had no glove box our C-400 did. We even had radio's as standard equipment at end of Fronty on the C-400 and Pullman seat. Conny's never did.
We built models US didn't and vice versa. 610, 612, 619 US 611, 618, 633 Can.
Its assumed we used up US parts to build our cars 31 / 32 but also used other parts from suppliers here like bumpers/ handles etc. Actually its very confusing what was used here to build cars 31 / 32 when you see different shocks on same model Fronty or a Fronty built on a Durant frame. Remember Fronty is dropped frame and Durant is straight frame.
Yep motto should have been No Two Cars the Same
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Some people have way too much time on their hands.....!!!
Where Are You From? Union,NJ
Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes
Don't know why you are getting upset at research and factual info. Could have added the 407, our car, copied somewhat by Oakland used different handles and parts to ours. Could also have said American's have no idea the Durant continued in Canada after Lansing. There has been discussions US and Can where Leaside used parts the other plants didn't, and our cars were incorrect. Thank goodness for Leaside aftermarkets where we can prove ours are correct.
Wait until Rick has time to update the Tech page on more researched info on our vehicles. That's what the club should be about is finding correct info to share with others in restoration or info on their vehicles. Its a hobby with no expectation of monetary gain.
As another club member has emailed me. "I'd rather have time on my hands to fully and factually investigate the Durant line of vehicles and invest in them wisely than be so gullible to buy a made up car. I would take sufficient time to verify the authenticity of the car I was buying and investing in and would determine in advance the car never came out of the factory as described, (such as the Gilles coach)."
Mr Anonymous (not me) made comment on Forum on that one echoed by many off Forum. Enough said on that car.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
As was noted in an earlier post, "some people have way too much time on their hands" and that statement appears to be true. Meanwhile, the others are diligently searching for historical facts to help Durant owners correctly identify cars and parts. It's important to search out and document the correct facts and it does take a great deal of time to search out the details, verify and record them.
One example of the need to have accurate documents such as vin and serial number data in place is to help prevent potential vintage car buyers from getting duped into buying or over paying for a Durant car that was cobbled together or embellished as a "one and only factory original". Often when the accurate facts are known, documented and published, these over the top claims can be discredited quickly and seen as sales fluff. Dedicated marque owners cringe when they learn of someone that got duped buying a fluffed up car at an unrealistic and inflated price.
Thanks goes out to people like Norm Toone, Steve Large and others that work voluntarily and tirelessly at their own expense to gather and document the history and the true facts before it all vanishes for good. Updates such as corrected serial number ranges appear on the DMAC website for all to benefit from.
Where Are You From? Oro Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes
Whoa..... best keep it civil. This forum is a medium to share useful information and details to assist other Durant product owners and interested parties to collect or restore items with ease and accuracy. There is a huge amount of inaccurate details out there and the internet can be both a friend and foe with such information. Some dedicated individuals do put a great deal of effort into documenting the facts for all to benefit from. Norm Toone and Steve Large along with a number of others have spent a great deal of personal time searching for accurate details for everyone to benefit from. Ongoing updates to the DMAC website come from these dedicated volunteers.
Best take a moment and get to know some of the people that contribute to the forum and the DMAC. Better yet, walk a mile in their shoes next time before commenting.
Finally, there's no need to build a northern Trump wall at the southen edge of Canada. We sent you packing in humiliation in the war of 1812 and Canada hasn't needed the wall to keep you out since that time.
Where Are You From? Oro Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes
Thank you Don, but this requires no reply to Tom from "none of your business" in New Jersey son of Art Lloyd III. Just consider the source. He was singing another tune to finding a "U2 Carb" last year in forum.
We (DMAC members) will continue to research / help owners of Billy's cars and offshoots 1921 - 1934 with info and or part sources if we can. That's part of DMAC family.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
and i thought this was a friendly forum,everyone ha s an opinion because you dont agree live and let live personally i can learn something from everone,happy trails to the haters dave
Where Are You From? so calif
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1931 devaux
I just looked at the Arthur III Durant 614 that is posted on eBay again as "1930 Other Makes 614 5 Window Coach eBay #2384637746. This car was for sale by Eileen Gillis Berken in the Spring of 2014. In the picture of this "only one in existance", it doesn't have any sidemounts and it shows wood spoke wheels. Looks like someone tinkered with the "one and only" if the factory original didn't have sidemounts or wire wheels to begin with. If the car is in fact a 1930, curious the rad badge is a 1929. How's that saying go, a picture is worth a thousand words? Wait a minute, I see corn cobs stuck in the wooden spokes. This Wisconsin car must have been in Iowa looking for corn, not Canada.
Where Are You From? Oro Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes
I think this issue has been covered. Time to let it go.
Where Are You From? Iowa
Cmon guys.....enough is enough. Let it go.
Where Are You From? Iowa
This is a friendly forum and will stay that way.
The subject is now locked.
Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes