I have a front axle I acquired along with the purchase of two w5 engines and some other miscellaneous parts. I was hoping to use the axle when building a small speedster I am planning around one of the w5 engines. The axle is bent slightly just inboard of the passenger spring mount. Can these axles safely be heated up and straightened, or am I better off looking for something else?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me
Where Are You From? Normal IL
Do You own a car built by Durant? Just parts really
Yes they can. Do not use heat! Use a vertical press and a set of V blocks. Using a dial indicator find the high spot and press down in between the 2 blocks. A little at a time. Repeat this procedure until you have eliminated any run out. A machine shop can do this for you if you don't have the tools.
Are these axles forgings, similar to Ford I beams? I began cleaning up the axle with a flap wheel today, it seems to grind rather slowly compared to mild steel which leads me to believe they are of a substantial nickel content.
Where Are You From? Normal IL
Do You own a car built by Durant? Just parts really