My dad bert just picked up a 1923 New York star motor made in New York. Does anyone know when did New York plant started production. Also,was this the first plant to produce star cars? The designation is "n" and production numbers were n-8 - n-3850. The motor my dad has is a continental #99031. The other car that I saw was a continential New York motor #131045. Maybe the continential list that I saw on the forum might shed us some light. Rick should post pictures of engine plates...confused
Where Are You From? calif
Do You own a car built by Durant? 24 flint/27 locomobile
don- The "n" refers to cars made in New York plant. the #8 is supposedly be the first car built in New York. The last number is the last car produced. I know that Durant bought the Goodyear plant and converted into star manufacture plant in New York. The engine reads w4a608b. I don't know what the "b" stands for? My dads 1922 has a "d".
Where Are You From? calif
Do You own a car built by Durant? 24 flint/27 locomobile
VINs 1922 Star N-1 to N-7 is March 1922 (shown in Washington). 1923 Model year is N-8 to 3850 Sept 15 1922 to July 31 1923.
If this will help for 1923 model year Stars
NY Sept 15 1922
Lansing Sept 1 1922
Oakland Oct 10 1922
Leaside Oct 11 1922
Eliz Nov 24 1922
Talking about those casting numbers ??. There was a 1923 Star touring on eBay recently and asking the owner for info to add it to the Registry, it has W4A-602-2G on the head. VIN plate N E with the Eliz serial number. I assume its various casting lots perhaps. My 614 has 22AA 617 head and 22AA 002 block. There is all sorts of three digit numbers on same engine type. Then they got even fancier and more mysterious in about 1932 with letters for month and year of castings, day however is still numeric.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Hello Mike
Just a point of correction. The first Durant factory was an x-Ford facility. There was a Goodyear factory across the street (6 stories) (that supplied Ford?) but also rented office space to Durant/Chevrolet/Al Sturt eng. When Ford considered the multi-story factories obsolete and moved to the new Kearny site, Goodyear purchased the Ford LIC site then sold it to Durant interests, a year later, for the same purchase price.
When the Ford factory was first sold to Goodyear, W. C. Durant was still with GM... did he foresee a need for a factory in his near future? Sort of convenient for Al Sturt (designer of the A, B, C, D cars of Durant) he only had to move across the street.
Both factories still stand. Once the huge Elizabeth factory was purchased the New York factory saw little use. The x-Ford factory was NOT sold back to Ford, the only Ford connection was because Ford built and expanded (5 stories, then to 8 stories)it originally.
For what its worth engine 99031 is in Terry's Registry as a 1923 C sedan C 36699. However that vin makes it a 1924 model year.
C-18,390 to C-40,000 is Aug 1st 1923 to Nov 1 1923. In our Registry it's a 1924 black / blue sedan with head casting date of 5/13/23 owned by Dale in Antioch Calif.
Not coming up with the 131045 which is a high number for a W4 if 1923 model year. Good many 23 model year are 5 digit. Even the 1924 mentioned is a 5 digit for Oakland. We do have a 1924 F Oakland touring with 129683 which is close and W4 was used in the first F's, Nov 1923.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Norm: The car I saw was 1923 star sedan which was all black with mohair interior. I know that the car was in Benicia, California till 2 years ago. The former owner had the car several years prior. He supposedly was a big star guy. The odd features I saw were the brake rods. They were the flat type not the standard barrel type. My dads 1922 has the same type. Also, the windows were odd. All 6 had tabs that you pulled inward on both sides to move windows up/down. I will try to read the firewall data plate number to confirm.
Where Are You From? calif
Do You own a car built by Durant? 24 flint/27 locomobile
Mike, don't confuse model year with production year. vin's are model year which in most cases is Aug 1 of one year to July 31 of next year, unless the model is dropped for a new one. ie C to F Nov 1923.
CEO of Durant motors stopped that practice with the new 1930's line. Model year would only be on updates to that model. Again as example the Jan to Dec 31 1930 614, Jan 1 1931 to Jan 31 1932 and finally Feb 1st 1932 to end of the 614's whenever that was and whatever final vin was.
The production Aug 1st 1929 to Dec 31 1929 is 1930 model year for 40, 60 etc, as they fall after July 31 1929.
AS we know nothing is set in stone what parts were used on cars to shove them out the door. Even factory to factory on same model. Then Leeside did its own thing in Canadianizing them.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Mike as I mentioned in the email I was in error thanks to needles in both eyes Tuesday morning for AMD. I'm still having trouble seeing as clear as I did before the injections.
The Registry has sedan C 36699 with engine serial 99031 as all black not black / blue.
Are you saying your dad picked up only the engine ? Perhaps then this sedan with engine serial 131045 head casting 2-8-23 might be same car C 36699 and engines switched. VIN plate will give us that confirmation.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
For those following this, it appears to be same car with engines switched. Mike was telling me ..... The motor of 131045 looks like a replacement motor because the 99031 motor is on car registration. We did pickup some star parts with the 99031 motor. The new owner is trying to talk to old owner on data plate and history.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan