DMAC East Coast Spring/Summer Meet, Bowling Green, Kentucky June 9-12, 2016
OK, I've locked in the hotel and working on the tours now. We will meet June 9th through June 12th 2016. Below is the information on the hotel and how to book it. We have the Hilton Garden Inn in Bowling Green for $109.00 per night not including tax and we will have the usual hospitality room for us to gather in at the hotel. Thursday June 9th will be travel day with the hospitality room open in the afternoon and evening once I get there. Although awaiting confirmation, Friday will be a tour to the GM Corvette assembly plant and then over to the Corvette Museum across the street. I have not locked in anything else yet, but will post it once things are confirmed. You register at the hotel on you own. There are 20 rooms for the DMAC blocked and release date for the special rate will be June 01, 2016, after that rates go back up to regular which is around $135 per night, so book early.
1. Go to:
2. Select your dates in the upper right hand corner
3. Under the box (check availability) select (add special rate code option)
4. Enter: DAMC into the box next to Group Code
5. Select the (check availability box)
6. Your selection of room types and rate will appear
By directly calling the hotel:
Phone In:
Please call 270-781-6778
Give dates of your stay
Request rate for: Durant Antique Motor Club
Rate: $109.00 + applicable taxes
Drop date: June 1, 2016
Hilton Garden Inn Bowling Green
1020 Wilkinson Trace
Bowling Green, KY 42103
See you all in Bowling Green!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: DMAC East Coast Spring/Summer Meet, Bowling Green, Kentucky June 9-12, 2016
Hi Ken, very sorry you will not be able to make it. This year was a real problem getting dates, with holidays, and school graduations taking up hotel and attraction spaces at this location. This was the best date I could find for us. We'll miss you two!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: DMAC East Coast Spring/Summer Meet, Bowling Green, Kentucky June 9-12, 2016
Time is getting real close, so don't forget to book your hotel rooms at the Hilton in order to get the discount price. Instructions are listed above. They can be cancelled if something comes up but cut off is the 1st and after that rooms are upon availability. I have locked in a Corvette plant tour for us in the morning and after that a tour of the Corvette Museum for Friday. Saturday will be a downtown tour of the Kentucky Museum and/or the Kentucky Railroad Museum in the old L & N Railroad station there. It will be a great time to take a small vacation and Bowling Green is right off the Interstate so it's easy to get there!. See you there!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: DMAC East Coast Spring/Summer Meet, Bowling Green, Kentucky June 9-12, 2016
Well that's understandable Steve. That was the problem this year with trying to schedule it in May or June but April just slipped by. This month with Mother's Day and this weekend Memorial Day here in the U.S. as well as the hotels not being available due to various graduations we just couldn't have it in May. I guess June is cutting into graduations too as well as family summer vacations. We'll see if anyone else responds that they are coming.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: DMAC East Coast Spring/Summer Meet, Bowling Green, Kentucky June 9-12, 2016
Alright ECC people, I'm very very disappointed. According to the Hotel we only have 3 yes that's 3 rooms reserved so far and today is the last day for the great rate but the hotel might extend it a bit further. Haven't called them today yet, but with my room, I have 6 other members who have said they'd come. That only means 7 people and that is just not enough! I blocked up to 20 rooms and most of the time at our events we have 15 to 25 people. Where are you all at? I know we usually have this event in April but it just could not be arranged. Summer is vacation time and the weather is supposed to be good in a great part of the country. With a lack of interest or attendance I just can't get the deals on hotel rooms, free hospitality room and the special tours at museums etc with only 7 people. And many do not want to tow their car if only 7 people are going to show up. Besides the ones listed above is anyone else thinking of coming? I will have to cancel the event unless I can get some more individuals to attend. I have to let the other members who are coming and the hotels and museums of the cancellations so they do not have extra tour guides etc show up just for us. All of you know that when you do come to an event you all have great fun and a good time. So call right away and send me an email to my email address to let me know your coming for sure.
Let me know ASAP by tomorrow evening 06/02/2016 by 5:30 P.M. If I don't get a response I will call the venues and cancel the event on Friday!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: DMAC East Coast Spring/Summer Meet, Bowling Green, Kentucky June 9-12, 2016
As you are aware, the dates did not fit into our June travel schedule, with just returning from San Diego last evening, Peg going to St. Louis on Saturday for a few days, and then off the San Juan for a week, and at the end of the month back to San Diego.
Re: DMAC East Coast Spring/Summer Meet, Bowling Green, Kentucky June 9-12, 2016 CANCELLED
Due to lack of interest and responses the East Coast Chapter Meet in Bowling Green, Kentucky is CANCELLED. A check with the hotel this morning only had 3 rooms reserved and those members that contacted me about attending only totaled 8, including myself. For those that were planning to attend I'm sorry and make sure you contact the hotel to cancel your reservations as soon as possible. I have contacted the hotel and will send out an email to the museums and venues I had planned letting them know we will not be there. Please make plans on attending the National Meet in Ontario in September and I'll see you all there.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan
Re: DMAC East Coast Spring/Summer Meet, Bowling Green, Kentucky June 9-12, 2016 CANCELLED
I want to say to Mike, thanks for your efforts in heading up this get together. It's not easy with tons of things to take into consideration and being part fortune teller never hurts.
Re: DMAC East Coast Spring/Summer Meet, Bowling Green, Kentucky June 9-12, 2016 CANCELLED
Thanks for all the work you did on our Chapter meeting. Like Don said you have to be part fortune teller. Wish my health had allowed me to attend.