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Kansas Durants

I was asked by someone today if there were any other Durants than mine in Kansas, and I did not know the answer. I would suppose there are, but I know of none specifically. I know of a couple Stars, etc., but no Durants. Can anyone tell me if there are any other Durant owner-drivers in my state?

Where Are You From? Marysville, Kans

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1923 Durant A-22 Touring

Re: Kansas Durants

Hey Todd, the DMAC roster should be able to tell you if there are any members and what cars they have there in Kansas. Of course there could be some that are there and not members of the DMAC.

Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida

Re: Kansas Durants

Thanks Mike. I am rather surprised that I am the only Kansas member of the DMAC, but there are a handful of Nebraska members. Perhaps more Durants were sold in Nebraska. Having something rather scarce for my neighborhood sure doesn't make parts sourcing any easier! Hopefully I will get to meet my Nebraska Durant brethren one of these days. Surprisingly, there's a Durant owner only a county away!

Where Are You From? Marysville, Kans

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1923 Durant A-22 Touring

Re: Kansas Durants

Yes the Durant automobiles are spread out a bit. California has a number of them, and Ontario province, Canada has a number. There are several states that do not have any there. Georgia is one, Delaware another. Maybe you can meet your fellow Durantonians out there and offer to host a DMAC national Meet in Kansas some day. We haven't been to Kansas yet, and are looking for future meeting locations. Besides always in a mood for good barbeque!

Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida

Re: Kansas Durants

That sounds great, especially the barbecue...

Where Are You From? Marysville, Kans

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1923 Durant A-22 Touring


The Durant Motors Automobile Club