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Playing devils advocate someone might know or have additional info on this model or models. Its says Durant middle of light bar and has the Durant crest on rad shell / wheel caps. These are deluxe pics. Standard has one horn, spare on back, and five doors in hood, deluxe 6 doors in hood. Deluxe twin wipers, standard has one. Deluxe, the 3 chromed strips on rear fender. No fender lights on standard.
Two of 4 pics of US Durant's with Motor Wheel Co wood spoke wheels, Stabilite lenses, reg fender lights with depress beam lenses and the 3 spears on the foot, same bumper and medallion as the 619. Forerunner of the Canadian 633 ? 620, 621 or 622 ?? Does anyone know what the elusive 621 / 622 looks like other than same squared body and 22A engines. Might be the 620 which is missing as a model.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Hey Norm;
We had a copy of this photograph floating around the table in the hospitality room in San Diego. Some of us thought it was a 30's prototype. Maybe a 1933 or 1934 Durant that never was. The radiator, hood and wheels fit the 30's car styling that was popular in that time period. I sure would like to have one today, pretty stylish and would have been a good competition for the other makes. Only if the Great Depression hadn't struck!
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65
Hi Mike .. its 31 or early 32 with that body. Remember the 680 DeVaux, 685 Frontenac and 633 Durant all have the new Hayes bodies / fenders, and 33 Conny's / Fronty's have same Hayes body but suicide doors. Yes I would say prototype and next after the 619 but before complete change to the 32 bodies and fenders with 32A engines the 633 / 685 have. It might be exactly like I mention below re E and 670 still with E model on VIN plate. This could be a 619 but slight changes and called the 620. Like I mentioned they could be the 620 or 621 / 622. No Durant has had doors in hood until the unknown 633 materialized late 90's and then the sedan in the 2000's. After markets US don't mention past 619 but outside sources give 621 / 622 info such as Chilton and like Co's.
Its still up for debate about this car in Poland they are calling a Durant. Nothing you can see says Durant. They have not answered my email asking for Vin plate info or model. To me it might be the 1931 E Frontenac based on the bumper and rad shell. Same bumper and medallion as the 670 Fronty which is slight cosmetic changes on the E and why the 670 VIN plate calls it an E model. First letter in serial give you which. E for E and G for 670.
They have a tractor stuck where crest should be and some home made stork stuck on a rad cap. Neither head light matches. One with adornment on top and inside 2nd bulb in reflector on one. Checking out the rest of the site a number of their cars are Mickey Mouse. 1930's Ford A body with 28 rad shell / wheels and so on. What had our eye was the doors in hood again but these ones just seem to float and pivot mid door. More Mickey Mouse ?? This pic is on search but you can get deeper into it on Utube to bring up stills of that to study it. All orig gold painted chrome work, ha ha. Grill bars are not all that straight, scratch's and pits show up also.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Norm, Could this car be a variation(?) of France's Mathis?
Where Are You From? Kokomo,Indiana
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1926 Star speedster
Hi Dennis .. the sign in the windshield says Durant but you can't read anything else. The Utube film fades out of sight just as it scans the wheel well tire and no amount of going frame by frame can you see what is on the wheel cap if it has Durant or Frontenac indications or more Mickey Mouse. Those free revolving doors in hood make no sense when every other make 1932 Chev, Dodge, Reo etc has hinged doors with handles to open or shut them.
The bumper and bumper medallion are Dominion Frontenac E or 670 as is rad shell shape. Take a look in Photos section of Gord Curls or Ray Walkers which Ray sold 2007 to Whitey Smale of our club. Also both 633's for 4 doors in hood with handles to pull open. Unfortunately Terrys site doesn't have a picture of the 1931 E but the brochure there seems to indicate the rad bars. If memory serves me right, I think Gord said the Fronty crest was on the center rad bar on the 670, one of the cosmetic changes from the E.
1930 / 31 is twin bar bumpers on Durant and 32 is single bar no center dip. Yes 1931 619 is also single bar no dip but not same as our 32 614 / 618 nor is medallion(s). Yours closed ended and ours open ended. Only thing the same is bumper backing bars 1930 - 32 are identical front or rear for all.
Here is a 1932 Mathis .. Not even close, 1931 even worse ha ha.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Norm, Thank you for your info. I'm not that well educated yet on the use of a computer to magnify objects. The reason I mentioned the Mathis was because I had found a similar one in appearance the internet when I went surfing for pictures after reading your post.
Where Are You From? Kokomo,Indiana
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1926 Star speedster
Hi Dennis .. no expert in PC's period and email my son to enlarge or shrink pics grin.
We think we have problems with too many different models. I have been looking at Mathis cars online and they seem even worse than us with so many models, sizes, and shapes. No bumpers, 2 / 3 bar bumpers, single bar bumpers straight / dip / raised. Hoods holy cow. Straight louvers, angled louvers, lengthwise louvers, ones like the pic of the 32 I posted, doors in hoods and here's one but note doors angled back. However none of their cars looks close to the Polish Museum one they are calling a Durant.
Its too bad they won't reply to my mail providing the VIN info or giving model / year or some clue why they think its a Durant. Be nice to know what powers it, a 22A or 32A, which again might give more clues. You don't have our 618 which can be V rad or flat one and with 32A same as the 633 Durant and 685 Frontenac.
Few of us have been trying to make any sense of the 633 which has been a puzzle since it first came to light late 90's. The thought back then was it was a basta**ized REO. Dominion Motors also assembled the 32 and later REO which has the doors in hood and Motor Wheel Co wood spoke wheels like the 633 coup. The sedan has wire spoke wheels. Coup has a C-600 engine but should be 32A based on after market catalogue. It also has some unknown rad and should have a 670 Fronty rad. The sedan has right engine and rad. Neither car has its orig headlights or taillights but what they should have ? Definitely Depress Beam head light lenses 9 5/16 x 8 1/2. Taillights unknown as no mention in after market. After market catalogues is the only factory mention of the 633 unlike the US 621 / 622 that wasn't produced but outside Durant Motors books make mention of as I mentioned in previous posting above.
Then we catch sight of the Polish "Durant" with doors in hood which seem fake. That car looks E or 670 Fronty. Then these four pictures surface recently of an unknown Durant model all with doors in hood and Motor Wheel Co wood spoke wheels. Its very close looking to the 619 with same bumpers etc. 619 could be 10 or 12 wood spoke or 5 or 6 bolt wire wheels per your after market catalogues. Well that's interesting I just noticed hub caps for wood wheels for 619 truck models. Didn't know there was a 619 Rugby.
So it would seem Durant Motors intended having doors in hood before our 633, had it survived past summer of 1931 in the US. Its too bad again there wasn't more info on these four pictures with notations saying intended 620 or whatever the model was they were working on. Could be the 621 / 622 we have no pictures of.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Norm, When surfing the French car(s) websites of that time period I did notice there weren't any pictures of louvered hood openings, either no openings or stamped openings, mostly vertical. It also occurred to me that the car appears to be a cheap version of something that Russia would rip off and call there own and considering that country's cars who knows. Thanks again for the info.
Where Are You From? Kokomo,Indiana
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1926 Star speedster