After trying to diagnose what happened to the Durant when I took it to the spring meet in Half Moon Bay, I believe it is fuel tank sediment.
I pressurized the gas tank, and gas and black chunks came out. I am going to drain the tank tonight and try to eliminate sediment. Does anyone have an opinion on whether or not, I should take the tank somewhere to have some sort of lining put in it?
Where Are You From? Saint Paul, MN
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1923 Durant A-22
I had the tank in the Roadster lined with a purple product and it has worked well ever since. The product is widely used to coat motorcycle tanks. But I don’t remember the brand name.
If there are no hole(s?) in the tank why go to the expense of a liner? Try placing a medium grade sand or wall nut shells in the tank first. Rotate or shake the tank gently to try to remove any sediment. Do this several times always checking for sediment when emptying. To play it safe try using several gallons of straight coca cola and let set a few hours, rotate, set, etc. Then empty and check for sediment/leaks. If you're going to repaint the tank, spray paint it white first. the coke will really stand out if there are any leaks.Then fill with water to check for leaks. If no leaks then empty the water and check for sediment. Do this several times and always watch for sediment. If there are any leaks try Napa, O'Reileys, Pep Bros., Tractor Supply, etc. for the sealant. Remember, sediment can seal leaks and that is why to make sure there is no sediment in the tank
Where Are You From? Kokomo, Ind.
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1926 Star speedster
I have used the do it yourself, 3 step kits available from various sources to clean, etch and coat steel gas tanks in my vintage Skidoos and it was the best and most economical thing I did to them. It allowed them to run so much better and eliminated all sorts of fuel/carb problems. I intend to do the fuel tank in my '29 Chev Touring soon. The 3 part kit from POR15 or others to coat a motorcycle tank is what I use. You'll wonder why you did not do it sooner. .
Where Are You From? Oro, Ontario
Do You own a car built by Durant? 25 Star Model F touring
I have had better luck than anything for cleaning and desolving that black tar/varnish using plain old lacquer thinner...Take the tank outside dump in a gallon or two, rock the tank occasionaly and let the thinner do the work, leave tank setting in different positions and overnight.
Where Are You From? Leavenworth, WA / Yuma, AZ
Do You own a car built by Durant? '29 model 40 coupe, '23 A-22 touring, '25 Flint H-40
I've always had good luck using acetone to dissolve the varnish and jelled gas. Then used muratic acid for the rust and conditioning of the metal. After a good rinse and drying time used a gas tank sealer, available from all the antique parts suppliers.
For really bad crud, some rocks (I've used slag) help to loosen things up.
Jim G made a gas tank shaker out of an old paint shaker that he had a special slow motor made for. There is a picture in one of his posts about Cathy's roadster......Shaken.....not stired
I've used the gas tank sloshing compound described above. Unfortunately, this was before ethanol which gave me a tank full of gooey stuff. The new formulations claim to be ethanol tolerant. I've also taken the tank to a radiator shop and had it boiled out. They also soldered any leaks. Now I have zero worries.