Part to connect the generator to the water pump???
I was able to start my De Vaux yesterday! After an extensive rebuild and piecing together a lot of loose parts it was great to hear the engine fire up. Other than some leaks here and there. didn't seem to be any big problems except.....the connection I used from the generator to the water pump was a short piece of fuel hose pressed on to the shafts of both the generator and the water pump and secured by hose clamps. Obviously not the original connection but I had hoped it might didn't! The hose came off the generator after running for about 5 minutes...this meant the water pump was not turning.
My question is, does anyone know how the generator and water pump were tied together originally? The shaft from the generator has a hole through it where it looks like something might have been bolted on or secured with a pin. The shaft on the water pump, however, is just a shaft.
Any ideas or knowledge or pictures would be great! Can't wait to get this back on the road!!
Re: Part to connect the generator to the water pump???
I use reinforced heater hose. It has nylon cord woven into it. Frank uses wire reinforced radiator hose. Both are avail;able at NAPA. The four pieces you're missing can be made out of metal conduit cut in half along it's axis. They are about 3/4" wide and need a hole the same size as the the hole in the shaft. Place the hose on the shaft and then use a bolt to sandwich the hose between these pieces. They swerve as washers/clamps.
Where Are You From? Greenbrae, CA (North of the Golden Gate Bridge)
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1925 Star Touring
Re: Part to connect the generator to the water pump???
Here you go with the 30 - 33 vehicles. Frank was selling the orig rubber part for pre 1930's which is not usable for the 30 - 33's
One bolt water pump, one bolt generator shaft. The two end parts are like a cap cut in half with bolt holes to clamp the rubber in place.
Yes my 32 should have a metal bent water pipe with short clamped hoses each end, not one flex hose. In its past that pipe was thrown way and heater hoses and sort of block heater in the hose was added. Pulled all that mess out of engine compartment and all the pipes / heater under the dash that pushed warm air up the windshield behind the dash for driver and passenger side. Got a whole lot of space now, ha ha. Need a bent metal water pipe but that flex does the job for now.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
Re: Part to connect the generator to the water pump???
There may need to be some metal shims between the water pump and engine block to help align the pump with the generator. Misalignment will cause side loads on the bearings and cause the rubber coupling to flex so much it will rupture ahead of time. Use gasket cement between the shims to help stop water leaks.
Re: Part to connect the generator to the water pump???
That's interesting. Never seen shims on 30 and up blocks. Must be a pre 30 thing until they got it right on our perfected vehicles and reversed the engines so water pump etc was drivers side.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan