Hello fellow Durantonians:
We only have a few hours left of the 2012 year here in the United States to write a check or get a Money Order to be postmarked by the close of the Post Office today to contribute a tax deductible gift to the DMAC Museum Fund. Why not sit down and write a check for any amount and send it to Bob Smith and mark it for the Museum Fund. It's a chance to help keep the legacy of Billy Durant and his cars alive for future generations. Your Club Officers and the Board of Directors are moving ahead to establish a virtual museum first and hopefully establish a collection of items so that future generations will learn about our cars and appreciate and love them as much as we do. Over the course of the next year you will start hearing more about this effort. For our members and friends overseas, although your taxing authorities may not let you deduct donations from you personal tax situation, you still can feel free to participate and obtain an international Money Order or use Pay Pal to provide a donation too. Just mark on you check, Money Order or Pay Pal payment "Museum Fund".
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door sedan