Came across an amusing television show on the Velocity channel on Direct TV. It was called Carfello's about three guys that own a New York used car lot. Seems the owner went to jail for racketeering and is now out and his friends own this car lot. Anyway was watching it for the first time to see what it was about and the one character, and I do mean character goes to Brooklyn to buy a car for the lot. He meets a guy who has a car collection and ends up buying a police van. In the garage in plain view shown several times is a 614 coupe and a 24 Star touring. Good shots of the Durant and the Star. I think it was filmed last fall sometime. I wouldn't rate the show very hi, kind of like the three stooges in the car business, but was interesting to see the Durant products on there.
Where Are You From? Oviedo, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 door