Just wondering where the production totals went on the website. I just get directed to the Hemmings website when I click on the link in the technical section. Does anyone have any of this information? Looking specifically for the model R coupe numbers.
1933 633 L1001 to ? (debate on this one if to L1008 or L1015.) promo cars or production.
1931 407 end A3818 the 1932 407 starts H3819
1931 614 end B5034 the 1932 614 starts J5035
1931 618 end C1363 the 1932 618 starts F1364
We went A to P minus I and N for Durant and Frontenac. Could never understand why the 32 614 started at J5035 not J5001 until now and looking at Bobs mail on VINs ideas and DMAC list a few years back. Some things stare you right in your face and you can't see them.
Look at 1930 614 which ends T4269 but the 1931 is A4270 wish we had end numbers for the 32's to see where my J5222 comes.