Second Argentina Durant cars meet - Segundo encuentro de Argentina de autos Durant.
By this way we are trying to inform not contacted yet Argentine Durant Motors products owners, that we are organizing for March 25th the second meet. Interested contact me or Walter Pre.
Por este medio estamos tratando de informar a propietarios de productos de Durant Motors que no se hayan contactado aún, que estamos organizando para el 25 de marzo el segundo encuentro. Interesados contactarse conmigo o con Walter Pre.
Where Are You From? Argentina
Do You own a car built by Durant? M2 Rugby Touring 1928
Re: Second Argentina Durant cars meet - Segundo encuentro de Argentina de autos Durant.
Hi partners,
we are in the final phase of organizing the Second Latin American Meeting of the Durant Cars owners here we have already defined that will be on Sunday 25 of March in the facilities of the PIVAC (Pilar Vehiculos Antiguos y de Coleccion) Maipu 1450 front of train station
we will find at 10:00 AM in the central square of Pilar City and star a short tour by very nice places in this beautiful area and near 13:00 soon we will have lunch,
after that essentially enjoy a visit to the museum Antiques and automobiles that they own there, and to share our passion about Durant cars
if somebody is interested to participate , don’t hesitate to contact me or Ricardo
best regards
Where Are You From? San Vicente Argentina
Do You own a car built by Durant? Durant Rugby M2 touring 1928 and M4 1929 woody station wagon
Re: Second Argentina Durant cars meet - Segundo encuentro de Argentina de autos Durant.
I wish you every success on your 2nd meet. We in Ontario started out small in 1996 and are now in our 17th year of having a meet.
I have fond memories of your visit to Canada. Still remember driving in the severe snow storm. Not much snow around here this year though.
If you get back to Canada, give me a call.
Re: Second Argentina Durant cars meet - Segundo encuentro de Argentina de autos Durant.
I’m very happy , the 2° meeting was very succesful, we found more than 70 friends a full day talking about Durant car , with a fine foods and 13 Durant and Rugby Cars ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
you can see pictures on
looks down page, rigth side "25-3 PIVAC Encuentro Latinoamericano Durant Motors"