Can anyone tell me where I can see a picture showing how this stuff is installed ? I have all the material--just dont want to mess up now. The windshiels is pretty near straight foreward but not sure of the upper part yet. Side and rear window are different and I have never really looked at a car to see what it looks like when it is installed. The rear window should be pretty straight foreward too --Is there supposed to be a rubber seal on the bottom outside or is it just the fibre type wiper that goes there.
As you can see I am in the dark. Anyone that can turn on a light would be great
Where Are You From? Kamloops B C Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1930 Durant Model 614 Deluxe rumble seat coupe
Ken- Starting from the rear window in your coupe. There are the window channels that the glass slides in, and a felt bumper strip at the top that the glass seals against. The water that comes in around the glass should go into a metal trough that is deeper on the right side and has a drain spout and rubber hose that leads out the bottom of the car. The side windows have the same type of "U" shaped glass run channel with a felt bumper strip at top. There are no window scraping seals or fuzzy window scrapers to clean the windows as up move them up and down. Back in the day they would rub tobacco on the inside of the windows to prevent them from fogging! Let me know if this helps. Ross