I found some= They are not actually durant but at least they will work --Check out -Snyders antique auto parts. These are chromed and look pretty good to me
There are several different types listed. I am sure that you will be able to find the ones which will work well for you, and not a bad price either. Just make sure that you get all the pieces, springs, washers etc.
Mac's has the parts as well
1915-1967 A48284 2 TO 8 EACH Model A Ford Upholstery Escutcheon Spring - For Behind Window Crank Handle $0.59 EACH
and various escutcheon plates, if you just want to put "any old junk" on your Moose pulled coup,
I discovered the chromed metal shelves in old fridges make dandy pins to hold the interior handles on and same sized rod.
I note Spaenaur has the springs and maybe the escutcheons. I didn't check, but I bought my cowl, rad shell webbing and split rivets from them.
No idea why washers shown as our D's have the spring behind the upholstery and then escutcheon plate and handle outside, as you push the pin in to hold the handle on. Maybe its a Ford thing to help cut out more noise from those rattle traps.