Possible hauling from Florida to Oklahoma, late Oct.
All Club members,
Another "300 car" collector auction is coming up in late Oct. in Westville Ok. 74965, mid-eastern border of OK, 25 miles west from Fayetteville Ark.
I will be heading North 20 Oct to be at this VanDerBrink Auction listing (Tel:507-673-2517, 605-201-7005 or www.vanderbrinkauctions.com); for "The Whitely Collection", pg. 107 of the new Oct 2011 Hemmings magazine. Probably returning 23/24 Oct.
Club Note: My truck & trailer is empty now so if any club member Needs something hauled North I will be heading up to Oklahoma from Florida about 20 Oct, returning 23/24 Oct 11. I will be carrying full tools, etc.
I'm getting some 50's Cadillac parts (cars?)and will look over things the day before, plus checking for the club. Some "Teens" and 20's cars, and LOTs of 30's to 50's cars and many convertibles! Look at the listing on line! Sorry my Cell phone does not take pictures (will have a camera there though).
Seems a Mr. Whitely, Westville OK. collected almost 300 cars, and parked them in his fields but never sold anything! The family is Getting Rid of it all via this Auction, or then by CRUSHER two weeks later! (Very Sad!) These are "Field" cars but with the number of interesting collector cars listed "the Crusher" borders on a crime! The listing has maybe 300 collector cars; like 20's/30's Ford's plus an early 23 Franklin sedan and a 17 Pierce Arrow ("sedan made into a Pickup")and many Packards, Buicks and Cadillac's listed. All mostly complete and untouched(?) some with titles. Only surface rust showing, but I will inspect them in detail.
DO YOU want me to LOOK OVER a Purchase FOR YOU at this auction, if you Call in or do an On-Line BID? I have 60+ years experience in old cars, have had a professional shop for 4 years, Show judge 4 years, Bought several hundred cars/trucks,etc.
I would be happy to meet someone on the way coming up and deliver for them possibly along the way up? If you buy a car (or parts) at this auction I might be able to Help You move it, Space/Time permitting? Call me on my Cell phone : 850-240-4912.
Thanks again, Lance C,
Where Are You From? Niceville, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1925 and 26 Locomobile JR-8's, 1928 Loco 8-70, 30 Durant 610
Re: Possible hauling from Florida to Oklahoma, late Oct.
All Club members,
Hello again, I re-looked at that Web posting for this auction " The Whitley Collection; "Pictures" , located from their main auction site.
There are 5 pages of photos posted, most of the cars are very rought but the Club members might be interested in a few: 28/29 Ford Model A Roadster pickup Cond. 5, 31 Model A Victoria coupe Cond 5 also. Possibly some Model T parts, the 23 Franklin 5 Pass sedan (Rought but complete)or the 17 Pierce Arrow sedan made into a Pickup truck (very Rought). There is also a 33 Roadster they call a Chrysler Imperial but may be an early (1934) Studebaker Cabriolet(?) again Cond 5, but complete if apart.
Also what looks like a 25/26 LOCOMOBILE JR-8 (?)nose poking out of the woods, but very Rought Condition, probably just a parts car. However I will check it out?
No Durant other products seen except possibly one Samson heavy truck in rought cond.
Hope this helps someone.
Lance C.
Where Are You From? Niceville, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1925 and 26 Locomobile JR-8's, 1928 Loco 8-70, 30 Durant 610