I have owned JIMMIE since 1957 paid $70 for it, restored it twice, last time in 1999. Only non original part except the coil, is the Model A Ford electric Windshield wiper motor. Can any one beat 54 years with only two previous owners. Purchased two years before than we were married.
Where Are You From? Lake Taupo New Zealand
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1924 A22 Sport Tourer
I got my 1930 Model 407 4 door sedan given to me in 1964. Been looking for the missing parts ever since. I think I now have all the parts I need (I had to buy 3 parts cars plus bits and pieces here and there to get what I needed). I plan to retire next year and then the restoration begins!
I got my first Antique(1923 Chevy Superior B Touring)car in 1981 after I stopped traveling so much with the military (sometimes 3 or 4 locations in a year)and I still have it today!!
It was parked in a Virginia tobacco barn before WW II with low miles by the first owner and then partly cleaned-up after being found there post-war by the original Chevy seller for his dealership. He displayed it on the floor as "Their (his)First Chevrolet car Sold" in Newport News Va. in 1923. It was also used in their Print & TV advertising through the late 60's, untill the original dealership owner died in 1968. I bought it from that family dealer's grandsons when the dealership was torn down. With their; "no interest and limited knowledge" on the old car (parked 13 years in a Coal bin), my one bid to buy was accepted in 1981 by the Chevy Motors Division in Flint Mich. The dealership typed up a letter on their letterhead to attest to these facts, added with the original title, days before it's being torndown.
I started in antique cars in 1949 when I was 4 encouraged by and with my uncles, however my dad did not believe in old cars or me ever having one. Plus with my dad's sales job we moved a lot. Also in the 50's many old or antique cars were still being driven daily then.
In the 60's and 70's I bought and worked on many old or antique cars but had to always sell them when I got orders to ship out.
Now my Chevy's 88 years old and still in "Original" condition (stored 70 years). I'm also still the second (?) or third owner, 30 years later and several moves too. It's my old first one that I said I would aways keep!
Lance C.
Where Are You From? Niceville, Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1925 and 26 Locomobile JR-8's, 1928 Loco 8-70, 30 Durant 610
My Father in law bought our 1932 Frontenac in 1962, He paid $50.00 and a used TV for it. The car had 24000 miles on it and was a good car. The car was driven on several Antique car tours, and by his two boys to school. One day, the transmission gave out. A tooth came off the second gear on the cluster shaft and tried to wedge its way between two other gears. Needless to say, it split the case. The car then sat behind the garage for about two years. I met his daughter in 1967 and saw the car for the first time. Her father, at this time had 7other cars. 1930 V16 Cadillac, 1934 LaSalle Cabriolet, 1936 Cord sedan, 1937 LaSalle Sedan, 1938 LaSalle Opera Coupe, 1938 Cadillac 62 Special Sedan and 1939 LaSalle Sedan. He had specified that each of his children were to get one car, and my wife (1968) wanted the Frontenac, broken transmission and all. I installed a 1932 Durant Transmission (spur gear) and away we went. By this time the car had 43,000 miles. We have driven the car continuously since this period. It now has 104,000 miles on the odometer and two motor rebuilds. The farthest we have driven is to the Durant meet in Fremont, Nebraska in 1992. (About 1350 miles, one way) The car has only let us down on the road once in all this time. We broke an axle and had to be floated home. Otherwise, happy driving.
There is a picture on the photographs page of this great car. - MADE IN TORONTO, CANADA.
We also have a parts car, that we had hoped to restore one day. But do you really need two sedans?
Ah, Gord, the infamous rear axles that shatter like glass.
Did you note the various parts catalogues that sold "never break" Lempco axle shafts for Frontenac's and 407, 611, 614, 618 Durant's ??
We broke a few axles in now Stephan's 1931 614 back in the 60's. Once we learned from an old time mechanic you could avoid that by reheating to take the temper out and retempering again, we never broke another. The orig axles were over tempered and shattered like glass, as we found out. Stephan still has the NOS axle we picked up as spare back then, as does the owner of my old 30 614.
Actually the former owner of the 31 and I were talking about that a day ago, on a trip down memory lane.