Hello Everyone! I hear that the membership cards did not make it into all of the USA Summer Magazine packets.. some got them and some did not. Please look through your packets carefully, as these cards are business card size and very small, perhaps they remained un-noticed...or slipped into the roster or magazine pages.
The Canadian packets are well on their way. They were stuffed by me and do include the cards.
Europe and other countries: I am checking into these and will update soon.
There was a reprint image of a vintage Durant Dealer membership card that was printed under my Editors Column in the Magazine. This card is not meant to be your membership card. So sorry I did not make myself clear.
Since this is so late in our season, we will issue a new card to you upon renewal.. Thanks for your understanding.
Enjoy those cars!!!
Thanks Carol. That is a smart looking card. I will let you know when I receive my package.
I took several pictures at our DMAC weekend and will send them off to you.
Do you happen to have an e-mail address for Ralph Balla in New Hampshire?
I just rechecked both the magazine and the roster and no membership card. Since we are life members we do not renew on an annual basis.
Let me offer a suggestion, that a stack of membership cards be sent to Frank, and for those that attend the DMAC in Vancouver he can give a card to those members that did not get one in the mail.
Where Are You From? NJ CA
Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes three of them