Cyndi & I would like to thank everyone for making us welcome at the Pacific Coast Chapter “GOLD RUSH TOUR”. It was the first time we participated at a DMAC event, it was GREAT! We are looking forward to Vancouver this fall when our 614 will again be on the touring circuit.
Bert and Sonia outdid themselves in planning and acting as tour directors. All the people were a pleasure to meet. The car stories and advice on how to maintain them was well received.
I have sent the pictures I took to Rick Botti to be included in any upload he develops for all to enjoy.
Again thank you for a wonderful time. Don & Cyndi
Where Are You From? Port Hueneme, CA
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1930 614 Durant Deluxe Sedan
Don & Cyndi I enjoyed meeting you and had a great time. I’m very happy you made the trip up north to Sonora and look forward to seeing you both in Vancouver.