I have recently begun the disassembly and restoration process of the Durant body to replace some of the rotted wood in the lower areas. Research shows that the Hayes-Hunt Co. used Ash wood for its good qualities (ie., strong, lightweight, minimum warpage, and minimum shrinkage) for manufacturing the sketeton. However, one poor quality is that it rots and looses its strength sooner then other woods, when it is subjected to moisture. Has anyone found a better choice of wood for this application? I haven't decided for sure, but will most likely replace it with Ash wood and then seal/preserve it with a good quality preserver. Has anyone found a good source for purchasing Ash wood in the width and thickness dimensions needed?
Do a search on the forum for "Following a Star" a series of articles Jim Greenamyer did on replacing the wood in a roadster.
He used white ash. There are a couple of good sources in our area. Baird Brothers Hardwoods in Canfield Ohio is one of the largest suppliers in the east. They ship but it would be worth the trip to see the inventory. Check their web site for more info.
I used red oak on my replacement wood. Good hard wood, tough as nails. Had
to predrill some spots before putting screws in, otherwise it's tough getting screws
Red Oak will be available just about anywhere they carry hardwood but in limited thickness. For ash, a good hardwood supplier will have what you need. I googled "hardwood -floor -flooring" in your area and found T&W Woodworking Co in Hyattsville Call them and they will know the best suppliers. I always pick out my wood in person as it comes with knots etc that you will want to work around. usually the supplier will do basic milling for a fee. It's usually expensive so you might want to work with the local cabinet maker.
1930 614 Leaside booklet says oak and maple used for wood. However white ash I'm told takes the hundreds of nails without splitting. That's what I would prefer to use in Dot.
Down side is the ban of ash thanks to the emerald ash beetle destroying trees all over Ont and we can't take wood in or out of Ottawa.
The original wood used on my '28 California M-4 Coupe also appeared to have an Oak sill and rear sill crossmember with Maple framing I think my Leaside 29 model 40 was the same...I used all Red Oak when I replaced the wood.
My little local hardwood store I use in Wenatchee will usually have 4/4, 5/4, and 8/4 (quarter)on hand in Oak and sometimes Ash, all thicknesses are handy but I find I use more 5/4 than the others...If you need a piece thicker then 8/4 just laminate a piece on...One little trick I did on my current project was when I milled my front header and door post collums I formed them in two pieces rather than one, milled each half seporately and glue laminated them together, was able to do most of the milling with a bandsaw and tablesaw and I think they are as strong or stronger than an original one piece.
Where Are You From? Yuma, AZ / Leavenworth, WA
Do You own a car built by Durant? A-22 Touring / Model 40 Coupe