Our Purpose
Preserve the automobiles manufactured by the Durant Motor Company, provide enjoyment for each member with meets, tours & technical assistance.
This forum is provided by the Durant Motors Automobile Club located at durantmotors.org
How to Add Pictures Rocky
Hi All........ Mike L, tells me that the car count for Lancaster is increasing every day!! So far we have 4 Durants, 4 Stars and a Rugby. Still time to add your car to this unique group. Hey it doesn't matter what condition, push, pull drag or trailer it in. All are welcome! My Star is a 50 footer but it will be there. There are some Hershey show winners including Senior & Junior & Preservation winners. some new members and never before seen cars. Still time to be a part of this gathering. Come for the entire meet or just a couple hours. All are welcome. See Yunz in Lancaster...... Frank ---
Where Are You From? Hookstown, Pennsylvania
Do You own a car built by Durant? 17 Durant & Star cars and a Durant-Dort buggy (one horse power)