What has everybody else used to pull the wheels off the 28-29 cars? I purchased a Model T wheel puller thinking it would fit, but it does not. Anybody have one that works on our cars that they want to sell or any suggestions?
Where Are You From? Oviedo (near Orlando) Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 dr
in the days past...some people put one wheel down and the other up and with a nut on the one wheel...struck the wheel on the nut and caused the wheel on the ground to move off the tapired axle...when the raised wheel travelled from the hit.....what is the diameter of your hub threads to see if i have a loaner for you.....regards, gary k
What size is your inside thread measurement of your hub cap? I had Kenyon make me the pro type screw on the hub positive puller for about $100.00 bucks and he made a extra one at that time. So he has another one for sale. I'll be glad to box it up for you and ship it down. Kenyon is pretty close to my place. Let me know. I have the senior size wood wheel hub caps that measure about 2& 5/8ths inside on the treads. I can forward some pictures if you like. I would not use the screw nut on the end of the axle shaft that you pound real hard on. You can actually bend the treaded area not to mention do some real damage to the rear end.
Lance Haynes
If Lances puller doesn't work out George McMurtry Affiliated with the WOKR Club makes an excellant puller, he machines his pullers out of a solid chunk of steel then mills a slot and has a clamp bolt for the threadeds also mills a collar nut for assembly, top of the line puller for any size thread and 110.00 bucks #308-586-1930 or gmcmurtry@embarqmail.com
Here is a scan of his puller , don't know how well it will show....Bill
Where Are You From? Yuma, AZ / Leavenworth, WA
Do You own a car built by Durant? '23 A-22 Touring / '29 Model 40 / 28 M-4