Does anybody have one of these units? Frank how about in your stash of parts? The model 28 came with one on it and I'd like to find one to replace the later ignition switch I now have? I know it wasn't a great switch or idea but I'm trying to get this gal back to her original state. It looks like the key turned not only the electric circuit, but a cable that ran from the key and dash to the side of the distributor. Acted like an anti theft device of its time.
Where Are You From? Oviedo (near Orlando) Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 dr
OK Durantonians I'm counting on you now. I still need one of these and I know they are rare as hens teeth, but someone must have a picture or diagram of one in a manual, book or something. I understand that Delco-Remy made something like this also. I'd like a good diagram or picture so I can try an find one at swap meets etc. Specifically on how it connects to the Distributor and how long is the cable etc. Frank ever find that service bulletin about these?
Where Are You From? Oviedo (near Orlando) Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 dr
Mike... I've got a picture of the Flint one in my parts book. I'll make a copy and send it your way.
Frank... If you ever find those bulletins, how about sending a copy my way! NO, I don't remember seeing any such item in the parts we brought in or I would have definetly called for "Dibs"
Got my answer thanks to Dave Schulte. He sent me a diagram and emergency instructions for the coincidental ignition switch. Must have been installed only on the model 65 & 75. At least now I know exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks Dave!
Where Are You From? Oviedo (near Orlando) Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 dr
Please post Pictures (Front, Back, Close-up, etc.) of the Ignition lock you're looking for as I may have one in the several Tons of Locomobile Junior-8 and Mixed make parts I got with my Locomobile cars the previous year.
I'm still sorting and identifying Unknown parts by Function, (make & model secondary). The last owner was quite the collector of "All" old car parts. Does anyone need a mid-20's Maxwell Touring car center section, or a 27-28 Chrysler dash with instruments or Front Fenders for same??
Hope I can help you Mike or others; as Non-Loco parts emerge from this "big" pile of boxes.
Thanks, Lance C.
Where Are You From? Niceville Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 25 Locomobile JR-8 Brougham, 25 Loco JR-8 Sedan, 26 Loco JR-8 Roadster project, 30 Durant 610 Deluxe Sedan
Thanks Lance and I'll be glad to meet you at Dayton in April. For those of you who are wondering what I'm talking about and what is a Coincidental lock. It's an anti-theft device used on our Durants or at least the Model 65 and 75 of 1928 that had the key mechanism in one end and the other was attached to the Distributor. Between the two was a cable. When the key was turned on it allowed the distributor to get power. Obviously they were either not very reliable or were only used on these models. Other cars had them that would lock out the transmission. Thanks to Dave Schulte I will post the diagram of the unit for everyone to see. There are several very rare parts only used on the model 65 & 75 that I'm looking for. I guess a hunt at Hershey will be in order next fall.
Where Are You From? Oviedo (near Orlando) Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 dr
Mike, Norm,
I have not seen anything that looks like these (Rad Caps,or Dist Lock) in the Pile of parts so far, But will keep looking for you both!
Mike; what I have seen on similar era 20/30's Chevys is a Braided Steel cable from the Ignition switch to the Coil top (as a cover). This was used as an anti-theft device ("anti Hot-wire"). Thus similar function to yours but different setup!
Also have one on my 48 Olds cars (same Steele braided cable from Ignition switch through the firewall to Top of Coil on my Straight 6 Flatheads (probably common to GM of these eras)!
Maybe you can adapt "some of these parts" to your needs?
Lance C.
Where Are You From? Niceville Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 25 Locomobile JR-8 Brougham, 25 Loco JR-8 Sedan, 26 Loco JR-8 Roadster project, 30 Durant 610 Deluxe Sedan
Seems very much like the Model A Ford's Electrolock system, and anti theft proof as you say, Lance.
My Dykes manuals don't give what cars used the flexible-steel armored cables but says they are very popular and wires cannot be withdrawn. I assume that indicates theft proof.
Mike: I too, am missing the whole ignition setup as someone previously has replaced it with a push/pull switch. Can you e-mail/copy me a diagram of the setup as it came from the factory? Thankyou much for your help.
I'll scan the article that Dave Schulte sent me and send it to your email address. It shows the piece you need. Then comes the search to find one. Might have to make up a dummy one and put a hidden key elsewhere. They must have not been very reliable and a troublesome part since most have been removed from the cars and cannot be found. I'm going to try and make up a dummy one and then check Hershey in the fall for one. Never know if you'll find one or not.
Where Are You From? Oviedo (near Orlando) Florida
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 65 4 dr