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Parts Scam..Club BEWARE!!

All BEWARE of parts/money Scams,

I had some old Headlight stands (circa 1905-1910)listed For Sale throught the HCCA (Horseless Carriage Club America)that I got last year with my Locomobile parts.

Recently I got an offer from a "Lem Perry" out of Texas, the message was somewhat vague (and English a bit poor) but seemed legit...BUT!

Yesterday I got Two $1000 dollar money orders from another guy in Bonita Springs Fl. supposedly to cash , keeps parts money, and send him the difference! BIG SCAM as the MO's will turn up to be bogus, or stolen, and you will be out all the Dollars! Beware!

Today I got an email to send money orders for the difference to a Trading company in Bejing China!!

So All of this goes to the POLICE tomorrow. Beware when selling parts to other than Club members.
Lance C.

Do You own a car built by Durant? 25 Locomobile JR-8 Brougham, 25 Loco JR-8 Sedan, 26 Loco JR-8 Roadster project, 30 Durant 610 Deluxe Sedan

Re: Parts Scam..Club BEWARE!!

The name in Texas was actually Lam Terry, 5011 Westheimer at Post Oak
Houston, Texas 77056.
(got this only after I asked for some ID, but still did not sound like a car guy).

The 2nd Fellow in Bonita Springs Fl. 23788 sending the two $1K Money Orders was "Perry Emmanuel" (never heard of him previously!).

The third party e-mail was from Perry Emanuel
and was for SOA Global Int Shipping: with the following information; send a MO to the following and notify them of the MO ident #'s;
Payment information
First Name...Jamildeen
Last Name......Lawal
No, 4th Avenue, East San
Beijing. 100081 China

Take care and beware!
Lance C.

Do You own a car built by Durant? 25 Locomobile JR-8 Brougham, 25 Loco JR-8 Sedan, 26 Loco JR-8 Roadster project, 30 Durant 610 Deluxe Sedan

Re: Parts Scam..Club BEWARE!!

Lance .. I get the same thing but reversed. Putting ad's for parts usually nets me mails saying they have the parts I am looking for. I had one fellow tell me he had a 1932 whole car he was parting out. I could buy parts or the whole thing. I played along for a bit and asked for a pic of the parts and he sent me a pic of Odus's Durant. Same pic one sees on Ebay about it. I said nice try we know that car. That email was from Texas. Still get the odd one's from Eng or South Africa. One S.A. one he sent me several pics of rad caps on museuem cars, a rear view of a dump truck etc. Too bad they can't spell better or perhaps its not. Be very cautious of these mails as you say.

Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 Sedan

Re: Parts Scam..Club BEWARE!!

my hustler was from florida and wanted to buy my 54 chevy parts...used horrid english grammer and asurred me his shipping co. would do all the work...just send him my complete name and address and all sorts of info to where to send money for me and all...when i did not go there another guy same m.o. tried....i just told him it was sold....i asked a high price and got no bargaining efforts to get me down...got suspicious...i cancelled him out also. yes, be careful....regards, gary
p.s. best is local pickup..bring cash only

Re: Parts Scam..Club BEWARE!!

Yes tehhold overpayment trick. The best rule is if you are selling, do not send money, or financial info - that's the buyer's role. My daughter tried to sell a computer on eBay - twice. She gave up frustrated. You wouldn't believe where the mail came from. They're all over. Guess if it wasn't worth their risk they wouldn't keep trying. Sure makes a guy hot, tho. And tehn to realize they catch some off guard.

Re: Parts Scam..Club BEWARE!!

Thanks for your responses. I got a call last night at 3:00 AM,from thge first guy saying; "Where was his money back, Since he sent me MONEY" (actually $2K in money orders; over 6 times amount for parts, and from 3rd Party mentioned above!). No mention of the parts wanted or a car!

He got mad when I said I had gone to the POLICE. He said " Now I have to tell my Supervisor" and hung up !! BEWARE.
Lance C.

Do You own a car built by Durant? 25 Locomobile JR-8 Brougham, 25 Loco JR-8 Sedan, 26 Loco JR-8 Roadster project, 30 Durant 610 Deluxe Sedan

Re: Parts Scam..Club BEWARE!!

I dont know who the hell this Perry Emmanuel is and also, i think his name should be posted on here not mine , I just got wind of this and its making me mad, I dont know what you people are up to and i dont wanna get tangled in the middle of this , I AM INNOCENT , Jamil deen

Re: Parts Scam..Club BEWARE!!

Hey Jamil, why did you post on something that was five months old? Second if you are so innocent, why is your email address richywest2004@yahoo.com? And third, this post was originally a warning to members of our club, are you a member of our club? And fourth, your tone is not appropriate for our forum!

Charles A. Spitz
Eastern Regional Director, DMAC

Where Are You From? NJ CA HI

Do You own a car built by Durant? Yes three of them


The Durant Motors Automobile Club