I just recieved a batch of pictures of a beautifully restored 1933 Continental Ace. Will try to post the pictures later. Would somebody post a brief history of the story of the Continental and how it relates to Billy Durant. This car is for sale and the owner asked me what I thought is was worth. It is a professionally restored 4 Dr. Sedan.
Yates ... check out Terry's site about the Continental.
Product Lines: Durant, Rugby
January - the Durant 621 is introduced
January - the Durant 622 is introduced
January - the De Vaux 80 is announced.
January 30 - Durant Motors files for bankruptcy.
February 10 - De Vaux - Hall Motors Corp. files for bankruptcy.
February 18 - Continental Motors Corp. purchases the De Vaux name and the Michigan assets of the De Vaux - Hall company.
March - the Continental De Vaux Company is incorporated.
April - the Continental-De Vaux model 80 is introduced.
In 1933 the Continental Motor Company took over production of De Vaux cars when the De Vaux company went out of business. Continental produced three models under its name in 1933 and one model in 1934.
More pic's the better for us all to determine what our cars should look like or ask questions.
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 sedan J5222
Thanks... Now I feel dummer than a North Carolina red hog. Should have known that this great website had the info I needed. Should have looked first and asked questions later.
Will be posting the photos I recieved soon..
ha ha ha Yates, no need to feel dumb at all. Sometimes we can't see the trees for the woods, even when standing in front of one. Often there myself with the 32 and guessing / wondering. Wish there was info on the Canadian 32 somewhere. Perhaps Dominion Motors didn't put anything out lit or pic wise.
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 sedan J5222
Still not sure if the pictures of the 33 are attached.
Try the link below and see what happens. Like the old saying goes " You can't teach an old dog new tricks."
Hi All,
Just got of the telephone with Jim Pounds about the 33 Continental. The car was appraised at $350,000.
For those interested his address and phone # is as follows:
Jim Pounds
10370 Globe Dr.
Ellicott City, MD 21042 Tel # 410 915 5434
Hello- Yates Milton,
I have been involved with the Continental Motor Company cars for quite sometime. I'm presently looking for any of these cars, parts & literature. All the cars except 1 of the Ace's have been basket cases, but I have lots of wonderful parts and some to trade. I have been wondering which car to start the restoration process with and it looks to be either the Beacon or the Ace beginning this fall. "I'm still looking for cars & parts". It would be great to talk with you or anyone you recommend who has information on parts or cars for the 1933, 34 Continental families.
Its o.k. to email or call @ amyjor03@yahoo.com 425- 221- 3275.
I would really like to see more of your pictures.
Is this car the car that was owned by Mr. & Mrs. Meade, who lived in Florida?
I’d also like to know who restored this car, “I’d like to contact them if possible”.
Many thanks,
Daryl Jordan
Do You own a car built by Durant? Blessed with Continental; Beacon, Ace, Flyer and Frontenac
Oh come on! $350,000.00 appraisal? Who appraised this car the seller's hopeful wife? It's rare but it ain't no Duesenberg. Looks like a great restoration but sheesh! Decimal place in the wrong spot.
I'm with you Ross. Sometimes appraiser's get carried away with figures.
I did notice that the wheels on this car are the same as those on Keith Reid's 1933 Durant Coupe. Keith needs one hubcap to complete his set. You can see a picture of his car in the latest Partner when we were at Fort Erie.
Tim Orr's 1933 Durant sedan is a close copy of this 1933 Continental, although he has wire wheels.
I agree with Ross and Gord... I came up over $320.000 short. About like the windshield frame on ebay for a 26 Star that list for $1,100.00 and shipping $300.00.
very pretty car, and as Gord stated, this is very close to my car, the 33 Durant sedan. I was originally asking $25,000. for my car and was told this was way over priced.
Mr. Yates can you supply the details of this vehicle so I can add it to the registry? A photo of the I.D. plate would be very helpful if not a written detail will do. Thank you.
Where Are You From? Mississauga Ontario Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1933/4 Forntenac C400 by Dominion Motors Canada
Hi Steve,
I have absolutely nothing on that car. Think I sent the photos to someone in the Club. You may be able to contact the man that was trying to sell the car. His name and address is in a earlier post. I have died and been reincarnated since 2007.
Steve, thanks for your efforts in updating the data on our cars.
Where Are You From? Four Oaks, NC
Do You own a car built by Durant? 24 Flint E55 Sedan
Norm that should make the only 1933 C 600 Frontenac 4 door about $750.000 and the body and parts of the 2 door 1933 C-600 Frontenac is just picked up a least $100,000. Great news for Ian and myself
Where Are You From? Mississauga Ontario Canada
Do You own a car built by Durant? No 1933/4 Frontenac C400 by Dominion Motors Canada
Dominion built Frontenac's mid 1931 to Jan 1934. E, 670, 685, C400 and C600.
We built C400 and C600 at Leaside and Canadianized them. They were based on the Continental Beacon and Flyer. Ours used Depress Beam headlights (page 63) as one item, US used Stabilite (page 59) verifiable Don's Bulbs site 1937 book on lenses / lights. From what we have seen ours had glove boxes the US Conny's didn't. We went further and installed radios as standard equipment as shown in the Mar 15 1934 ad for the C400 and C600 and had Pullman seat feature.
The Ace was imported and Frontenac name added above the grill crest. Again the Toronto Star ad introduces the Frontenac Ace 1933 from Dominion Motors, at the motor show. Daryl has a Frontenac Ace in his collection of 33's.
Terry's site shows the 5 models / prices and serials M - 1001 to M - 1478 for C400. Serials P - 1001 to P - 1283 for C600.
Roadster, coup, two door sedan, four door sedan, special sedan.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan
I was waiting to hear if you found Peters on Monday and picked up the C-600 body and parts. Your right, I hadn't noticed Ian has a 4 door and now you have a two door (or one ).
Again we seem have one and only survivors from Dominion of our cars. C600 two door sedan, C600 four door. 633 coup and 633 four door sedan, my 32 614 sedan and Jacks 614 coup. Oshawa Museum has the only 685 Frontenac coup in pieces.
More 670 / C400's / 618's around for some reason.
Where Are You From? Ottawa Ont
Do You own a car built by Durant? Dominion built 1932 614 Sedan