Check out item 220096313437 If memory serves me right this is the same pump as used on the later 22A engines as used in the 614-617 619 etc. Located in Canada, no bids yet, I'm not bidding on this one Good Luck.....
Frank ---
Do You own a car built by Durant? a dozen Durants & Stars cars & a Durant-Dort buggy
Don't know if it does or not,Frank. Mine is AC 5671 on the 32 D 614. Gas outlet is on the front not the back like this, however I have a 407 pump where the gas outlet is on the back like this. Perhaps later Con motor blue seal ?? Might be good for some parts for ours.
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 sedan J5222
Good luck Ken. Wish they had shown a side view of the arm as you can't tell in the pic if short and close to housing or long and away from housing like our cars. Perhaps you can use the upper part / bowl / diaphragm on your AC lower casting.
Oh by the way,Ken, the 32 is missing the coil / key. Someone fastened a reg coil behind the dash on the firewall and another person cut and threw away the wires and ignition switch.
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1932 614 sedan J5222