I'd like to ask everyone that attended the annual meet to send me a copy of your pictures.
We can use them for both the website and Winter issue of the Durant Partner. I know it will
take time, I took a zillion photos myself, but then I took a lot of fuzzy ones too :-(
If you have some favorites you'd like to send or can copy your digital pictures to a CD
and send me a copy I'd appreciate it. :-)
You can add an image to your message with a standard HTML image tag, That's Geek for tell it where on the internet to go and find it. This is the tag you paste into your forum reply.
Make sure the URL is correct for the image, and make sure the image you are linking to is stored on a web server that allows you to remotely link to it. Don Schilling tipped me to www.photobucket.com . You can use their server to upload and store your pictures, then it will create a tag you can then paste into the forum.
Yeah, it sounds nerdy, but do it a couple of times and it'll become easy.
They only thing to keep in mind is the size of the picture, this forum has no way of scaling it down to a smaller size, so use a small picture and it'll work fine.
Here are just a few that were in the lot at the hotel. What a great group of Beautiful Durants and Stars. Note Louis Quennevilles Recent addition to his Star "family" a 1923 Star Mufflinburg body Depot Hack. Great Job Louis!!
Where Are You From? users.adelphia.net/~catart/DurantHome.html
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1928 Durant Model 75, 1927 Star M Touring
By working the code from your last post, it appears that photobucket.com gives you the option to resize your pictures, by clicking the Edit button.
In the Flags picure, I sent it to display 40% of its original size. The two pictures of the Gray Dort are really the same picture, I discovered that by adding a "th_" to the picture name, the picture would then be displayed as a tumbnail, see example,