Hello Durantonians;
Saturday Aug. 5th 2006 my wife Dorothy and I spent the Day at Gilmore Car Museum at Hickory Corners, MI. North East of Kalamazoo, MI.
This weekend was the weekend of their Classic Car show of about 300 Auto's.
There were NO DURANT AUTOS THERE, and of course there were no Durant Pruducts on display in the Museum. Which also means that we were not there with our Durant, maybe next Year.
After seeing the Car show I figured that it would be a Great Place for some of our Club members to get together to show there Durants and let People know about Durant and that there was another Auto Company from the 20's and 30's.
Next years show is Saturday August 4th. and also Sunday Aug. 5th. 2007. Saturday is participant Judging
and Sunday is point Judging. You could show Saturday and stay for point Judging on sunday if desired. There is plenty of space for Trailer parking.
You can access the Gilmore Car Museum @ gilmorecarmuseum.org. Any interest in a get together?
Ken Brink Muskegon, MI
Do You own a car built by Durant? 1923 A22 Durant 4 Dr. Sedan