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The History Channel

I just posted a short article on The History Channel the title of which is "The Transportation Industries Forgotten Man". It is under the topic "Save Our History".
Back in either 1999 or 2000 I tried to get our DMAC members to send live shots of their automobiles for a possible documentary about William Durant and his influence on the automobile industry. At that time we were still getting organized and only one person sent a video of their car. I even sent for information on a government grant which I think I still have.
Was wondering that since we are better organized if there is any interest in trying again.
About the time we got started a video was being produced called "The Wizard of Flint" of which a copy was given to me by Bob Smith. I think we as a group can do a better job and the video would be more interesting.
Now that Mike Linthicum has us incorporated as non-profit organization, we probably stand a better chance for a grant.
Please give me your thoughts on this project.......


Re: The History Channel

Hi Yates. Yes yes by all means. I am totally in favor of this project. I did not think that “Wizard of Flint “ tape was very good. We can certainly do better. Lets start a fund and get after this. I am willing to match anyone’s contribution or better yet exceed it. I would be glad to have a professional video made of some of these finished Durant and Star cars I have here in San Diego. I’ll call Bob Krause about his Star trucks also. I know he will help. Go Durant club go. Later Lance

Re: The History Channel

I think that would be a good project for next year when the new officers are installed and we are totally IRS 501c3 exempt. We incorporated as a historical and educational non-profit corporation and that would fit the bill for something we could do. I know the Society of Automotive Historians sometimes will provide Grants for things like that. I'm sure with all the talent in DMAC members someone has a background in film and advertising. At the national meet in Canada we can discuss where we are going and what we want to accomplish. I'd be willing to do my part and you can count me in!

Re: The History Channel

Yates, I still have that video I had sent you.It's just waiting to be put to good use.I thought it was a great Idea then and still do.


The Durant Motors Automobile Club