Hello Durant Members. Hope all you are safe and sound all over the world. I have some very good news. Our dear friend and member and historian Bob Smith called me today and has agreed to run for our secretary / treasure’s job. Poor Mike Larsen has had this big job for over 4 years now. Also Bob has a computer and that would help. Of course we only need to have a person agree to serve and then we will put their name on the actual ballot in the March magazine. So I am supporting Bob Smith as secretary/ treasure and Rick Botti for president. Now I really never have meant Mike Linthicum of Florida and only know about him from his volumes of form activity and I really like all his ideas and interest in our club and I called his home and ask his wife to have him call me but he never did so I nominated him for vice president. A person can also refuse to serve. I am hoping he would consider this office. The key is to really have a proven experienced and able member to take these really important jobs. We had a young fellow here in our local Packard Club here in San Diego agree and we elected him and he just basically did absolutely nothing. And I mean nothing. So we had to have another election and get another member to serve. We should all be thankful for any member that is willing to volunteer to serve and work full time for a non-profit club like ours at no pay of course. So we will need all candidates to forward a nice bio to our magazine editor Jacki for the March issue. Faithfully.
Lance Haynes
President Durant Motors automobile club