Nominations for for Club Officers for next election
Fellow Durantonians, by now you have received your Durant Partner and after reading it from cover to cover like I do, you noticed the nomination form for club officers for the upcoming years election. Please take the time to fill this out and send it in to Mike Larsen so that he can put together a list that we can vote on. Remember that this is your club and since it is your club you have a say in how it is run by choosing your club officers. Traditionally many in elections always say "Why should I vote, what I say doesn't matter" Well you are wrong. We are in this hobby for fun and friendship and if we want the DMAC to continue to be one of the best Antique Auto clubs out there, we must have a good executive branch to keep things running smoothly. Those of you in the U.S. know that in our National election recently the Florida electorial nomination was decided by just small number of votes. There has been elections in the U.S. History were one vote made the difference. Don't sit on the sidelines and then gripe about how things are running or going to run. Step up and get active in our nomination and voting process. We want the DMAC to keep moving ahead and growing!
Re: Nominations for for Club Officers for next election
The club still needs nominations for the positions of Club President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer. Let's make sure the nominations are sent to Mike our current Secretary/Treasurer. Don't sit on the side lines, get involved. It takes members to make a club and make it run effectively. Who would you like to see be President or Vice President. Let's hear from you.
Re: Nominations for for Club Officers for next election
I hope each of you will heed what Mike Linthicum said in the above request. For the DMAC to remain a great club it is necessary to elect great officers. Don't sit back and complain if you do not submit your choice for Officers. Please do it now............