Mike: I am glad you saw the DeVaux on E-bay. I don't usually look there. (To tempting). It looks like they are over the reserve.
As I took over the DeVaux Registry, www.devauxregistry.com I am always looking to find more. This could be one of the "lost" ones or a new find. I just had a guy e-mail me wondering about values. This last week I talked to a man in Mississippi who has found one in a barn for sale. This could be a "new" one.
My old paper registry goes back to the 70's and 80's so I have a lot of owners, or past owners, that I cannot contact.
Somone talked to Lance who said they had a TOURING and I thought they only went to export. I hope to find out where that one is.
The DeVaux you saw was at 12,000 last night when I looked and if it is as good as it looks it will be worth it.
I started following the DeVaux in 88 after reading the article in Cars and Parts. I got most of my background information from two of our club members who have 9 DeVauxs between them.
Take a look at www.devauxcars.com if you have the time. That man in Australia has built a sport car. No connection to Norman DeVaux. He used his mothers' family name.
A man in Michigan called last week and talked about the Hayes body that the DeVaux has. He is restoring a 1935 Hayes travel trailer.
Best regards, Gary
Mike: This is a follow-up on my last entry. The car on E-bay appears to be sold to the Staley Collection of Norwich, NY. (www.classiccarmuseum.org). I talked to one of the bidders and he indicated that the previous owner had bought many cars years ago as an investment and now is selling. It is a new one for my registry. The vin number must be a number assigned by the state where it is. I usually go by M-xxxx or C-xxxx.
Wayne Moore of Senatobia, Mississippi is the proud new owner of the other 1931 DeVaux Sport. We talked extensively on the phone.
His is a Michigan car and he gave me all the numbers to add it to the registry. He purchased it from a relative of the original owner. When he looked in the car he found an envelope with the original bill of sale AND the drivers license of that man. The car was purchased new in June of 31 from Reo-Spalding in Louisville, Kentucky.
I have been following a rare 32 DeVaux Custom coupe in southern Idaho for some time now, but that is another story. Gary
Mike: I have 56...no make that 58 that I have names with addresses. Some of this number have changed owners so the names are not correct. I have another list ot 9 Unknowns but with ID numbers. So we are just under 70. The car production for 31 was 4609. The 1932 production was 1429. Gary