My 1923 Durant's engine has the Autolite distributor and the engine runs good, However, there appears to be parts missing from the distributor housing. The points plate is screwed to the side of the distributor with 3 screws and what appears to have originally been a centrifical weight advance mechanism is missing springs & weights and is fixed rigid with a small nut & screw. The only way to adjust timing is by a push pull cable which turns the whole distributor in the back of the generator. Did this model Durant have any centrifical advance??
Bob, Thanks for the tech verification. I'll move on to something else on the Durant. Where might I purchase the correct replacement rotor and distributor cap?? Thanks again> Jack
Hi Jack,
Good to hear that you are up and running...The Auto-Lite centrifical advanced distributor that you have evolved after the manual advanced pot metal based Auto-lite that your Durant was originaly equipped with...I have an Auto-Lite #IAD 4008 model 10-E it is a early 4 cyl centrifical advanced cast iron distributor that had been converted to a slot drive, this distributor could be used for all the parts you need less the cap, it does have a new rotor...If you can get your centrifical advance working than of coarse your dist can be clamped down and would make for a better than original dist....If the unit I have will work for you let me know and I will send it on it's way....Bill