Durant Motors Internet Forum

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  Preserve the automobiles manufactured by the Durant Motor Company, provide enjoyment for each member with meets, tours & technical assistance.

This forum is provided by the Durant Motors Automobile Club located at durantmotors.org

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Good news. Our magazine has been at the printer all week so should be ready by Monday. Another beautiful color cover and back. Our long time member and good friend Bob Krause (now 83 years old) is going to drive all the way across Los Angeles and pick up all 500 copies and apply every mailing label and then take them to a post office for mailing. Our young member Brent said no more after only mailing one edition so Bob has agreed to do this for us. The printer (US Printing) does such a good job over in East Los Angeles we didn’t want to risk a change. This heavy slick paper is hard to work with especially in color. This is a 1 & ½ hour round trip drive in the worst traffic and smog is the US. Thank God for members like Bob Krause. Also thank you Jacki Schroeder and Rick Botti for producing this edition. Hope to see a lot of you up in beautiful Santa Rosa, California for our 2005 annual club meeting and touring. Some of the most beautiful country in the world and a great group up there has been working on this meeting for over a year now. Can’t wait and hope to see a lot of you there.
Later Lance Haynes


The Durant Motors Automobile Club