Is there a source for general info on wood work in the bodies of our durant cars. I am still battling with my car. I have some patterns but not quite enough to do the complete job. I dont know how to fit in the wood around the rumble seat area.I have a model 6-14 deluxe coupe 1930. I have finally figured out where the wood goes in the roof area and the door posts. have patterns for the front window and rear window mechanism.Know the area around the back window. I am also quite sure of the sill design (Thanks to Jack Connor). but sure would appreciate a bit more info
A good source of general information on the wooden body work as well as tops and upolstery on the closed cars is the Fisher Body Service Manual 1926-1931.
This has been reprinted and is available from most of the antique Chevy dealers.
While it does not cover Durant and Star cars directly there are many similarities and the information is good with a lot of illustrations.
If you can't find this book let me know and I will locate a source.
Hi Ken. We have reproduced a 365 page January 1930 Durant sales manual that has all the 1929 and 1930 Durant cars in it with pictures of the wood and dimensions from everywhere on all the seats and heights of the seats from the floor and forward and backwards etc. Also has all the information about ever aspect of all these cars with actual photos of the engines both sides and photos of the chassis with all running gear attached. It also compares all American cars manufactured in 1930 with our Durant 614 in numerous charts in the middle of the manual. We had a printer here in San Diego reprint it at the same original size of 5”x 7” with hard plastic cover and back. I sell this to dues paying members for only $25.00 including the shipping. Can mail you one tomorrow if you wish. They are great.
Lance Haynes President Durant Motors Automobile Club
4672 Mt. Gaywas Dr.
San Diego, Ca. 92117
Phone 858-560-5737
Fax. 858-560-9146
thanks guys --I already have the fisher manual Steve Thanks for the offer tho
Lance --if you think back you will remember that I already have the book --bought it from you when we visited you in may 2004 . It is helpful but not detailed enough for what I need --I am slowly getting it done tho -Maybe one day I will drive it to one of the meets for all to see--
Thank you all --
Ken. I will soon get my garage open again, and then maybe I can photo some wood pieces or get a diagram or two. Remind me to get busy after I attend the East Coast Meet with my recently purchased 407 sedan.
Thanks again Jack --I didnt want to be bugging you so often --The car was slowly taking shape till I found another parts car --now I have stripped it down again to the frame --parts car has a better frame --what I will need are the wood patterns for the back area --around the trunk ( or rumble seat ) and the area behind the drivers seat --as well as the wood for the seat frame --
Thanks Jack