I talked to Frank the other day about data plates for Star C and F models. These plates are slightly different from each other and are not included in the ones he has for sale.
10 orders are necessary on each style to initiate reproduction. Everyone interested in obtaining a new data plate please sign in here.
As for me, I'll order one F model from California and one C model from New Jersey.
Sounds great Don
What about us down under in Australai
My car is missing it or may never have had one?
Are they different from each factory? Keep me intouch.
Thanks Wayne.
Wayne, your car certainly had a data plate located on the upper right hand corner of the firewall. Look for four rivet holes in a rectangular pattern. Your data plate probably had Rugby stamped on it. Although I've never even seen a Rugby data plate, all you need is nine other folks wanting a plate the same design as yours.
Contact Frank Witkowski for more info.