I was told that I was wrong when I stated that the data plate on the 30 Durants were on the toeboard and nowhere else. The person also has a 30 Durant and that a DMAC member told him there were 2 plates. One on the toeboard and one on the firewall. Who is right?
The only one I've seen was nailed to the toe board under the mat. That's why so many are missing on parts cars that have been out in the weather so long.........
All the 614 and 407 I've seen had them on the toeboard only. I'm not certain however about some of the older models that might have been carried into early 1930. 29's sold as 1930 cars would have had them on the firewall I guess...
I am restoring a 1930 614 & a 1930 407 both have the ID plates on the upper right side of the floor boards and I am restoring a 1931 model 619 and it has the ID plate riveted on the engine side of the firewall on the right side of the car (passenger side). I think Mike Larsen told me his 1930 model 617 has the ID tag on the firewall also. All the 29 and older cars I have here and worked on & sold all had them on the firewall. So a real mixture. The size of all the ID tags were the same. Later Lance