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Fantasy Football +++

Hi Guys, haven't been on for a while - another baby in the house has gone some way towards killing me...

Hope everyone is well.

Also hope it's ok to post this - obviously I'm not trying to compete with the forums Fantasy Football league - it's just something that the more Pro Fantasy Footballers might be interested in joining as well...

I'm trying to recruit players to an online football manager game I play called Xpert Eleven - it's a bit more complex that Fantasy Football but nothing like as complicated as Championship Manager etc - anyway it's great craic - especially when a few players in the same league know each other so it would be great to get a few bods off the FM forum involved -

you can join here (doesn't cost a penny btw [:)s] )

You'd need to create an account and apply to join our league - The Miscreants Premier - league id 191971 - we're about to start our 7th season and are trying to grow a bit!

The league has nothing to do with FM as such, but if enough people join from the forum I'd be happy to look at creating a new league just for FM forum members/fans etc - maybe we could even tempt Mr Jupp and Mr Goldsworthy eh...

Thanks for reading guys - it would be great if some of you could come and join us!

Re: Fantasy Football +++

Hi Paul, I've finally managed to have a look at the site you linked to. It looks interesting, something I'll bear in mind. To be honest I spend far too much time already agonising over what to do with my Fantasy Footie team, although you wouldn't think so to look at my scores! [Bawling]