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Researching my Grandmother, Dorothy Metcalfe!

My Grandmother passed away a few years ago and I am curious about her history. She would never talk about what she did during the war, but did make a few comments that she had something to do with 617 Squadron. She had a few pieces of artwork relating to lancasters, but when questioned she would just say 'Oh thats a long time ago' and then change the subject.
About a year after she died, my Dad saw a picture in a framing shop of the whole sqaudron with my grandmother in it. He asked for a copy but the shop keeper said he couldnt but would ask the owner when he came in to collect. Sadly we never heard back.
I would appreciate any information at all and, in particular would love to acquire a copy of this particular phot for my dad for his birthday.
Thank you in advance for any information.