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release mechanism PLEASE READ

hey! i never really thought about posting this onto any site or telling anyone, but it just clicked, it is pretty cool....
it was my great grandad or my great great grandad that worked on the release mechanism for the bouncing bomb. i dont know much about it but my mum would, anyway he worked with barnes wallace at one point and the squadren aswell. i dont know who he worked with on the release mechanism, i think there was one other person working with him.

anyways thers a bit of ancestory for you - if you want to know more email me -

im pretty sure my great great grandads surname was Mason and i bet ur wondering "is his email his name?? then he cant be related to the person he speaks of". well my grandad (not great grandad) didnt have any sons so my mum took my dads name which is marshall - so thats that mystery solved. XD im 16 and im on a dambusters website >.< i need to go outwith sum m8s rite now!!