The Dambusters i have found in my research are beyond doubt one of the bravest and talented squadrons, and deserve every bit of recognition they have. The paper trail i have been searching for to prove my Granddad Bernard McCormack SR was amongst them has not been successful. it has been suggested the letter I have is fake, and I have to be honest my gut tells me this is correct. I cannot prove Granddad was even on the base at the time of training for the raids. and i do not believe for a second the RAF made that many mistakes. I have traced Bert to 61 squadron and I intend to follow his trail through 61 .....if cannot prove he is a dambuster, then I can prove he was NOT!... so my research goes on. I will find where he was at the time of the raids and have the answers I am looking for. 61 squadron did some great missions and I will celebrate those missions my Granddad took part in for real. if I find a trace of Bert in 617 squadron, I will let you know..... but dont hold your breath will you! I cannot answer for my Granddad as to if he was or was not in 617 sq or if he lied or was telling the truth. but from what i have read through my research I am not surprised some people tell the tale of being amongs the mighty and brave 617 squadron...... May they all rest in peace, the freedom and lifestyle I enjoy today is partly because of the mission they risked their life for.xxxx