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Strathclyde Branch

Queen's Own Highlanders Association
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Brian "Matchsticks" Matuszczyk


For those that knew my Dad, Brian Matuszczyk, it is with regret I let you know he passed away last Saturday, 2nd July, 2011.

Whilst dad has been ill for a long time, it's still quite the shock that he's passed away. Me and my two brothers (Kevin and Brian) are through in Stirling with mum at this difficult time.

We're having the funeral this coming Friday 8th July at 230pm at the Crematorium in Camelon at Dorrator Road Camelon. Falkirk, FK2 7YJ

You are all very welcome - I'm sure my dad would have loved that. We'll be raising a glass to him afterwards at a venue likely in Stirling (TBC).

We really don't want any flowers or anything but if you really want to make a gesture, please offer a donation to the British Heart Foundation at

Thanks from all of us

Wilma, Kevin, Brian, Paul

Re: Brian "Matchsticks" Matuszczyk

Ihave just joined this sitebut I knew your dad,I was his platoon sergeantin B company in the early 70'si amsorry to hear of his passing my thought sarewith all you family much belated i actually come from Camelon in falkirk you dad was a fione soldier and you shouldbe proud of him
Jocky Gethin