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Strathclyde Branch

Queen's Own Highlanders Association
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keep taking the tablets

47,tell me this, when you send a post are you smokin sumthin or ur ye full o the wine or mair like your oan heavy medication,fur ah swear yer msgs ur gettin stranger and stranger.Ma man yer brains puggled an yer hieds ful o sweetie mice,ahm even thinkin when you talk aboot awe these fancy hoalidays yer gawn oan ah reckon yer faimilys pitten ye inta respite fur a while an yer to far gawn tae ken any better.Anywi you keep takin the tablets fur the doacters say it might bring back the senses but then ye niver hud any sense in the furst place.

Re: keep taking the tablets

You gittn crabbit.

Re: keep taking the tablets

Awe noo we git it,yer no crabbit yer big bottum lips oot.Again.Ye've had a chip aboot me since 1968 but am gonny tell ye wance mare,it wisni me that pawned yer kilt when ye were on leave,although a did have a couple 'o' pints aff the procedes.A kent that kilt wis too long for T LA B.

Re: keep taking the tablets

See you yive goat tae hiv the last word,ahve tried ma best bit a canna git the better o ye,bit at least ye mak me laugh,ahm no crabbit jist bewildered,by the way Dixon O Dock Green will up at yer door ref that kilt!!!!

Re: keep taking the tablets

Wis that boy Dixon in 5 platoon,anywy,al gie ye piece cause am awoe tae Lanzerote fer three weeks,stuff this cauld weather.

Re: keep taking the tablets

Yer right aboot the cauld weather Eck. I'll be in Lanzerote on Sunday.

Re: keep taking the tablets

We can all meet up,that would be brill----- oh sorry you no gon Tam but we'll tell you awe aboot it when we come hame,mibis some fitis even.Ohhhh heeeee.

Re: keep taking the tablets

47, what part of Lanzarote are you going to?,I'll be in Costa Teguise Sunday afternoon