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Hoping To Find Anyone Who Knew John Jannetts Adams...

Bit of a long shot but trying to find anyone who served with or knew my Uncle, John Jannetts Adams. I have a photo of him in his uniform so that's how i know he was in the Queens Own Highlanders. I know he was in the Army for about 20 years.

Would love to hear from anyone who has recollections of John. I only saw him once circa 1967-68.

Any leads or info would be lovely.
Many thanks Pauline.

Re: Hoping To Find Anyone Who Knew John Jannetts Adams...

Just to add to my previous thread.....his uniform shows that he was a Sergeant in the Queens Own Highlanders.

Hope this jogs someone's memory??

Re: Hoping To Find Anyone Who Knew John Jannetts Adams...

Pauline,anyone who served in the Queen`s Own during the 1960s 70s or 80s will know and will most likely have an extremely funny story to tell about your Uncle.he was known as Raggy Adams,and was one of the greatest characters to have served with the Regiment,I have sent you an email to the address on your post,if you go to the website at you may get a lot more people who served with Raggy,maybe you can tell us what became of Raggy after he left the Army,if I remember correctly his wife`s name was Shirley and she came from Yorkhire,I served a lot of years in the Mortar Platoon with Raggy an he was one of the best Mortarmen in the Army

Re: Hoping To Find Anyone Who Knew John Jannetts Adams...

Hi Danny,
Thank you so much for your reply. Raggy eh?? I can't wait to hear something about him. I don't appear to have an email from you....could you try again??

I've also tried to find that site you mention but all i can find is stuff about deer hounds & vaccinations!?!

Regards Pauline

Re: Hoping To Find Anyone Who Knew John Jannetts Adams...aka Raggy/Raggie Adams

Okay, just to hopefully jog memories, I have some additional information.....

Some of you may know him as John Jefferson Stuart Adams. Apparently, he had told people he was named after American Presidents! Whether that was through embarrassment of his real middle name or as a joke, I cannot say.

Later in life he got posted to Liverpool Scottish as an instructor.

Does any of this ring a bell with anyone?? Or do you know anyone who might have know Raggy or Raggie?

Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks Pauline (ever hopeful.)

p.s. If you would prefer to reply via Cabarfeidh you'll find me on there also.

Re: Hoping To Find Anyone Who Knew John Jannetts Adams...

Hi Pauline I was browsing the site and seen your post as a youngster in the Regiment I had the honour to serve with your uncle John (Raggy) to all who new him fantastic character.Pauline your uncle guided a lot of youngsters like myself in the right direction, so you have something to be really proud of there.One thing you never crossed him as he did have quite a wee temper on the quite. I hope you can get more information on him from some of the old mortar platoon if they see your post.

your aye Tam Cairns

Re: Hoping To Find Anyone Who Knew John Jannetts Adams...

Thanks for your reply Tam.
I can assure you that already from the small amount I've found about John, I'm immensely proud of the guy....just wish I'd met him more than once.

The temper thing sounds Dad, John's brother, was exactly the same & I guess me & my brothers have the same trait.

I would love to hear more from you & will send you an email.
Many Thanks Tam.