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Possible Picnic & Pool Party

Me and John are in the process of buying a home in Palmer, Massachusetts. If all goes well we will close by mid July.

Would anyone be interested in a picnic/pool gathering at our new home or would it be too far away to travel?

Let me know your thoughts.



Re: Possible Picnic & Pool Party


Great job on the website Heather. Good luck on the house purchase and Palmer is not too far for Don and I to travel. Keep us posted and have fun in Vegas. Ellen

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Me and John are in the process of buying a home in Palmer, Massachusetts. If all goes well we will close by mid July.

Would anyone be interested in a picnic/pool gathering at our new home or would it be too far away to travel?

Let me know your thoughts.



Re: Possible Picnic & Pool Party


A picnic and pool party sound like a great time. Hope all goes well with the house.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Me and John are in the process of buying a home in Palmer, Massachusetts. If all goes well we will close by mid July.

Would anyone be interested in a picnic/pool gathering at our new home or would it be too far away to travel?

Let me know your thoughts.



Re: Possible Picnic & Pool Party

color us there!

Dee and Stephen

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Me and John are in the process of buying a home in Palmer, Massachusetts. If all goes well we will close by mid July.

Would anyone be interested in a picnic/pool gathering at our new home or would it be too far away to travel?

Let me know your thoughts.



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