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Aaron Tippin is What This Country Needs

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Aaron Tippin is What This Country Needs
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Re: fan pics

Actually, I thought and talked about adding a Fan Page for the past two years. Just never did anything about it. I think now would be a good time. I already have several photos of Aaron with fans. Let me know.

In the meantime, would love to see your photos from Owensboro, including the banner photo. Aaron ended up signing that banner before I had a chance to tell him I was giving it to him. He is quick with that pen!!! :lol

Take care and have a very Merry Christmas and best New Year ever.


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Replying to:

Judi, I have some great pictures which were taken at Owensborro of me and my hubby with Aaron and we are all wearing big smiles. If you need some new fan pictues, I will be glad to send you what I have. I am so proud of it too. I also have the picture of you holding the big banner we all signed.

Thanks and Happy New Year

p.s. Fans, don't forget to watch the parade on 12-25

Re: Re: fan pics

Judi~ just want to stop by and say HI,Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (so I'm a weeeeeeeee bit late)

Love the idea of a fan picture page, I know we had discussed it in the past........ let me know when you're ready to do it and I'll send you some fan pictures that I have....... hope to see you the 26th

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Replying to:

Actually, I thought and talked about adding a Fan Page for the past two years. Just never did anything about it. I think now would be a good time. I already have several photos of Aaron with fans. Let me know.

In the meantime, would love to see your photos from Owensboro, including the banner photo. Aaron ended up signing that banner before I had a chance to tell him I was giving it to him. He is quick with that pen!!! :lol

Take care and have a very Merry Christmas and best New Year ever.


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Replying to:

Judi, I have some great pictures which were taken at Owensborro of me and my hubby with Aaron and we are all wearing big smiles. If you need some new fan pictues, I will be glad to send you what I have. I am so proud of it too. I also have the picture of you holding the big banner we all signed.

Thanks and Happy New Year

p.s. Fans, don't forget to watch the parade on 12-25