Welcome to my Aaron Tippin forum. This forum is to discuss and share all things Aaron Tippin. Hope you have enjoyed my website and plan to return. Comments are always appreciated. Thanks.
really like the christmas card , the picture is awesome, of course what else would it be since Aaron is so handsome. have a merry christmas and happy new year. great site too.
I agree...it would be difficult to take a bad photo of Aaron. There is no finer; he is....'easy on the eyes.'
And, a very Merry Christmas and the best New Year ever to you, too.
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really like the christmas card , the picture is awesome, of course what else would it be since Aaron is so handsome. have a merry christmas and happy new year. great site too.
We love your card too. How do we get the Tippins to send us one of their Christmas Cards. I realize they phased out the fan club but can we request one of them anyway? You have in isiders scoop!
See Ya!
Candy @ Yorkridge Belgians
Happy Trails
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Replying to:
I agree...it would be difficult to take a bad photo of Aaron. There is no finer; he is....'easy on the eyes.'
And, a very Merry Christmas and the best New Year ever to you, too.
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really like the christmas card , the picture is awesome, of course what else would it be since Aaron is so handsome. have a merry christmas and happy new year. great site too.