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problem uploading base.css

I get an error when trying to upload my base.css
Error States:
File upload failed, Insufficent permissions, or filesize exceeds disk quota.

What does this mean and how can i fix this? My site wont work without it.

I tried copying the info out of it and creating a base.css within the bravehost directory and pasting the info. Pasted just fine...i saved then went back to view the site and it sill isnt working. It changed some things but the site still wont work.

You can view the site to see for yourself what its doing...

Im new to all this so if anyone knows how to fix this please explain in as much detail as possible. Thank you.
P.S. i hope i can get this fixed today, my sponsors are scheduled to view the site today and these last minute changes have stuck me in a bad spot PLEASE HELP lol.


Re: problem uploading base.css

I have a similar problem and am still waiting for answer. Fingers Crossed for both of us!

Re: Re: problem uploading base.css

do the copy and paste thing...create the file at the bravehost file manager...then copy you info and paste it in there css file editor...wait about a hour and it will work.

dont know why it took it an hour to activate the css but it works now.

hope that helps


Re: problem uploading base.css

use ftp account