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Re: Re: Re: Blind Game:T4 Sector C Russian

Your troops may enjoy their trip through the polish countryside but it will be a very short fun.Our new tanks, maschineguns, aircrafts and rockets will make that trip worth to remember. For those who will survive and for the dead reds.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Blind Game:T4 Sector C Russian

Have started the preliminarys for resolving this turn. Wexler's impressive advance through the German collapse in his sector is the most attention grabing part of the battle. In the other sectors the German players have managed to retain some combat power. The high movement rate of the T34 proves devastating in Wexler's sector (C). Were he equipped with slower tanks the German side would have a fair chance at recovery.

I will be taking a close look at Wexler's previous turn comments, stated & implied assumptions, comparing them to the actual events in the next two turns. The German commander of the center sector (B) has a serious challenge, which he appears to be aware of. His comments are usually brief so I am not clear on his thinking.

Once again I have to thank the various players for their patience. A multiplayer game is inherently slow, and the problems of individuals are maginified and affect everyone.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Blind Game:T4 Sector C Russian

Carl is correct in stating that the speed of the T34s allows the Russian to keep pressure on the German defense. Without that speed the Germans would be able to lay back and pick off Russian units at will. Also complicating the German position in our game is we are using the turreted movement rule of PL. That further helps the Russians in that all the T34s can fire at spotted German troops and still move quite a distance. On the other hand without the movement the Russians would have a big problem given the changes in the victory conditions requiring crossing of an unfordable river at limited, predefined crossing bridges. All in all its an exciting game. It is quite different than the original PB scenarios of #4, 6 and 20 that makes up this blind mega game. I'm enjoying playing it quite a bit. Carls games are always interesting.