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Maps on imaginative strategist

Help!! I am what you would describe as techno challenged. I have downloaded the maps located on the Imaginative Strategist site but am having trouble printing them off at the required 9/16" hex size. I am using an HP 2700 (brand new, I might add). Believe it or not Carl, I was able to convince my wife of the need!! I just can't seem to get it right... I am sure this is head-space and timing of the operator. :-) Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks


Re: Maps on imaginative strategist

I'd direct that question straight to Ward, and do it on the Consimworld PB forum. Ward and the others there are working through the same or similar issues with these maps.

Re: Re: Maps on imaginative strategist

Thanks Carl, I didn't know if I should capitalize on the consimworld site with what is my own personal problem but, if as you say they are working through those issues, I will fire away! .... I also misprinted the size of the hexes.... I believe they are more like 11/16 of an inch..


Re: Re: Re: Maps on imaginative strategist

Probably the best location for feedback, which Ward does not mind. He has worked hard to get those right.